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Pregnant women taking paracetamol are “more likely to have children with autism.”


According to major international studies, women taking paracetamol during pregnancy are more likely to give birth to children with autism or ADHD.

Health data for more than 70,000 children in six European countries, including the United Kingdom, were analyzed by a team at the University of Barcelona.

For all children with autism spectrum disorders or ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), 56% of mothers were found to be taking paracetamol during pregnancy.

Paracetamol is the most common drug taken by pregnant women to relieve pain, with about 65% saying it was used during pregnancy.

This study did not investigate the exact cause, but previous studies have shown that the drug can enter the baby’s body and release toxins associated with cognitive and behavioral problems in the child. Shown.

Researchers say that future mothers should not stop taking the drug if they are in pain, but should use it “only when needed” to minimize risk.

Women taking paracetamol during pregnancy are more likely to give birth to children with autism or ADHD, according to major international studies

Women taking paracetamol during pregnancy are more likely to give birth to children with autism or ADHD, according to major international studies

What is ADHD?

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a behavioral state defined by inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity.

It affects about 5 percent of children in the United States. In the UK, about 3.6% of boys and 0.85% of girls suffer.

Symptoms usually appear at an early age and become more pronounced as the child grows up. These include:

  • Constant fidgeting
  • Lack of concentration
  • Excessive movement and conversation
  • Act without thinking
  • Little or no danger
  • Careless mistake
  • Oblivion
  • Difficulty in organizing tasks
  • Can’t hear or execute instructions

Source: NHS selection

The new study found that children whose mothers relieved their pain were 19% more likely to develop autism and 21% more likely to develop ADHD symptoms.

The survey also includes data from Denmark, the Netherlands, Italy, Greece and Spain, supporting the results of previous surveys.

Early studies have shown that paracetamol can cross the placental barrier and remain in the baby’s circulation for extended periods of time.

Other studies have shown that staying in the baby’s circulation is associated with cognitive decline and behavioral problems as we grow older.

In adults with normal liver function, about 5% of paracetamol is processed into highly toxic metabolites, which in extreme cases can cause liver damage.

However, due to the fetal’s limited ability to process toxins, it remains for a longer period of time, resulting in increased intrauterine exposure.

Dr. Sylvia Alemany, a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Barcelona, ​​said:

Dr. Jordi Snier, a researcher at the same university, said the drug should not be discontinued during pregnancy, but should be given “only when needed,” given all the evidence that paracetamol is associated with neuropathy. Said.

At some point during pregnancy, an estimated 46-56% of pregnant women in developed countries use paracetamol. Paracetamol is considered the safest painkiller for pregnant women and children.

However, increased evidence has associated prenatal paracetamol exposure with cognitive decline, behavioral problems, and symptoms of ASC and ADHD.

These previous studies have been criticized for the fact that they do not include people from a sufficiently wide range of backgrounds and locations.

As a result, the new study included extensive information from multiple longitudinal studies conducted on pregnant women across Europe.

Health data for more than 70,000 children in six European countries, including the United Kingdom, was analyzed by a team at the University of Barcelona.

Health data for more than 70,000 children in six European countries, including the United Kingdom, was analyzed by a team at the University of Barcelona.

“The sample is large,” Alemany added, “using the same criteria for all cohorts reduced the inhomogeneity of the criteria that hindered previous studies.”

According to a 2007 survey, 84% of children were receiving paracetamol by the age of 6 months.

The study also examined the use of paracetamol in childhood, but did not show an increased risk of autism or ADHD symptoms.

Nevertheless, the research team concluded that further research is needed.

The study was published in European Journal of Epidemiology..

Signs and Symptomatology of Autism

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, people with autism usually develop before the age of three and have problems with their social, emotional, and communication skills that last throughout their lives.

The specific signs of autism are:

  • Abnormal response to smell, taste, look, feel, and sound
  • Difficulty adapting to routine changes
  • You can’t repeat or echo what they’re told
  • Difficult to express desire with words and movements
  • I can’t discuss my feelings or the feelings of others
  • Difficulty of acts of affection like hugging
  • Prefer to be alone and avoid eye contact
  • Difficulty in relationships with others
  • I can’t point to or see an object when others are pointing to it


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