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All of imdebimab and kasilibimab, a cipla antibody cocktail considered the “magic cure” for COVID

All of imdebimab and kasilibimab, a cipla antibody cocktail considered the “magic cure” for COVID


Drug majors Roche India and Cipla announced the launch of Roche’s antibody cocktails in India on May 24th. This is priced at Rs 59,750 per dose for the treatment of mild to moderate COVID-19 in high-risk patients. The first batch of antibody cocktails (casilibimab and imdebimab) will be available in India and the second batch will be available by mid-June. Read again- DRDO anti-COVID drug of 990 rupees per bag.Centers and states get discounts

According to a joint statement by Cipla and Roche, each of the 100,000 packs available in India will provide treatment to two patients, potentially benefiting a total of 200,000 patients. Read again- Uttar Pradesh Lockdown Live Update: Gradual unlocking, curfew likely to start on this date

The antibody cocktail was launched by Roche India after receiving an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) from the Central Drugs Standard Control Organization (CDSCO). The first patient to receive an antibody cocktail at Indraplasta Apollo Hospital in Delhi was a 65-year-old COVID patient. The patient responded well to the antibody cocktail infusion and returned home after 1 hour of observation. Read again- Take care of orphaned children due to COVID: SC directs state to provide immediate relief

Trehan, one of the top doctors in the country, also said that the antibody cocktail, a combination of kasilibimab and imdebimab, is effective against the B.1.617 variant of the coronavirus, which was first discovered in India.
Monoclonal antibodies bind to and “neutralize” the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

“Early injections of casilibimab and imdebimab into infected patients prevent the virus from invading the patient’s cells. It works against Covid-19 and is also effective against B.1.617. Is a new weapon, “said Dr. Naresh Trehan, chairman of Medanta Hospital, by the news agency. Year..

“A man with multiple comorbidities was injected yesterday and he went home. We will follow him. Virus growth is especially high in people with high viral load and at high risk of severe infection. It will drop, “says Dr. Trehan.

Why is it called an antibody cocktail?

Dr. Rajesh Chaura, a senior pulmonologist at Indraplasta Apollo Hospital in New Delhi, said: Similar to the natural antibodies produced when infected with COVID, human antibodies of the immune system that eventually help fight the infection, both antibodies strengthen the immune defense system. The drug is said to limit the entry of pathogens and viruses into the patient’s body. This antibody cocktail helps prevent the disease from progressing to a serious stage. “

When do you use antibody cocktails?

Antibody cocktails can be administered to the treatment of mild to moderate COVID-19 in adult and pediatric patients (aged 12 years and older, weight 40 kg and above) who have been identified as infected with SARS-CoV-2. High risk of developing severe COVID-19 disease and / or hospitalization with at least one of the following criteria:

  • Obesity with a body mass index (BMI) of 35 or higher
  • Chronic kidney disease
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Immunodeficiency
  • Currently receiving immunosuppressive treatment
  • 65 years of age or older
  • Have the following over 55 years old:

CAD cardiovascular disease, or HT hypertension, or COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), or some other chronic respiratory disease such as -ILD

Antibody cocktails are administered intravenously and are administered to specific areas with well-trained medical staff, taking into account all infection control protocols. Antibody cocktails should ideally be administered within 48-72 hours and 7 days prior to COVID-19-positive patient testing. This treatment has been shown to reduce hospitalization risk and case fatality rate by 70% and 71%, respectively, and reduce symptom duration by 4 days.


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