According to the CDC, if everyone is fully vaccinated with COVID-19, the camp can be safely reopened without masks or distance.
If everyone in the camp is fully vaccinated, it is safe to reopen the youth summer camp and hide your obligations with no capacity restrictions. COVID-19 (New Coronavirus Infection)According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
The· New guidelines It was released on Friday after the previous recommendations were significantly relaxed and a 12-year-old child was eligible for Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine earlier this month.
According to the guidance, both night and day camps where participants and staff are fully vaccinated against the virus before the camp begins:
- Allows for capacity limits, masking, and safe resumption with no social distance.
- There is no need to maintain regular monitoring tests.
- There is no need to isolate individuals who have not experienced COVID symptoms who are exposed to someone with a suspected or confirmed case of the virus.
The CDC states that fully vaccinated people do not need to wear masks, but camp programs need to assist staff or campers who choose to wear masks.
According to the CDC, the guidance aims to help camp managers run camps while delaying the spread of COVID-19. It also means “it supplements, does not replace, any federal, state, provincial, territorial, or tribal health and safety laws, rules, or regulations that the camp must comply with.”
Given that children under the age of 12 remain unvaccinated, many camps may have a mix of unvaccinated and vaccinated participants and staff. The CDC advises on these camps as follows:
- Unvaccinated persons over the age of 2 wear masks indoors and in crowded outdoor environments.
- Unvaccinated people avoid close contact and indoor sports.
- Unvaccinated campers and staff avoid group gatherings, events and meetings where physical distance cannot be maintained.
- Staff and campers are placed in small groups, or “cohorts,” and stay together as much as possible throughout the day during the camp.
- Within the cohort, a physical distance of at least 3 feet is maintained. A 6-foot distance is maintained between cohorts when eating and drinking outside the cohort or when the child is eating and drinking outside without a mask.
If fully vaccinated campers and staff are grouped into camps with mixed vaccination status, those vaccinated people will be those in fully vaccinated camps, the CDC. You can follow the recommendations of Erin Sauber Schatz, leader of the Community Intervention and Critical Population Task Force. I told CBS News.
However, the advantage of grouping people with mixed immunization status is that the spread of COVID-19 can be reduced if the cohort is infected, especially if precautions are implemented and maintained. is.
The agency advises that the camp specify an area or room within the camp where people experiencing COVID-19 symptoms can be isolated. Patients with COVID-19 can return 10 days after the onset of symptoms or 10 days after the first positive test, as long as they have no fever for 24 hours without antipyretics.
People with weakened immunity are advised to wear a mask and keep a distance “without careful attention”.
“Currently, we’re still learning how well the COVID-19 vaccine protects people with weakened immune systems, including those taking immunosuppressive drugs,” says the CDC. “Camp managers give camper staff and parents / caregivers / guardians with weakened immunity their activities and additional precautions that may need to be continued to prevent COVID-19. You should advise on the importance of talking to their healthcare provider to discuss about. ”
According to the Health Organization, in the event of a COVID-19 case, staff should work with local health authorities to perform contact tracing.
The new guidelines will come two weeks after the CDC states that fully vaccinated people do not need to wear masks in most indoor environments. Authorities have revealed that children under the age of 12 are considered “unvaccinated” because they are not vaccinated and must continue to wear masks indoors and in crowded outdoors.
According to CDC data, more than 12% of cases nationwide are children, and since the outbreak of the pandemic, 400 children have died from the virus in the United States. And as more adults were vaccinated, children became the majority of new infections, but weekly data released by the American Academy of Pediatrics show that new infections in children have been the last two. It shows that it is decreasing in the week.
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