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A record day for vaccination in Victoria as trade union leaders call for a new advertising campaign

A record day for vaccination in Victoria as trade union leaders call for a new advertising campaign


After a computer system crash this morning, there is a “significant delay” warning at the Victorian Immunization Center.

According to the government website, some Melbourne hubs wait more than five hours, while others, outside cities like Bendigo, only wait 15 minutes.

Yeron Weimar, head of coronavirus testing in Victoria, said the technical problem this morning caused “confusion,” which was resolved by 10:30 am.

People are waiting in line outside the Covid-19 vaccination facility at the Royal Melbourne Exhibition Center during the blockade in Melbourne, Australia on Friday, May 28, 2021. Strict blockade has commanded residents to stay home for the fourth time since the pandemic began, as recurrence of the infection tests the country’s zero-tolerance approach to the virus. Photographer: Carla Gottgens / Bloomberg (Bloomberg)

He said people are just “welcome” to get up, but should check the official website for the latest waiting times.

He said the call center had received a “record” number of calls.

He said that levels of about 20,000 per day could last for the next few weeks compared to the vaccines they have in stock.

“We are keen to maintain this strength,” he said.

“We can only go as fast as the vaccine supply can go to us.”

He said some staff were “dissatisfied” with not being able to log in to the new computer system with the two vaccine hubs.

But he said they wouldn’t have launched an online booking system for people yet.

“We launch an online portal when we are confident that it will be a good option for people to use.”

Martin Foley, Minister of Health of Victoria, told people not to give up on reaching the vaccination appointment line and to try again later.

He reminded people that he plans to participate in a vaccination program and can also contact his GP about appointments.

About half of the vaccinations given yesterday were Pfizer and half were AstraZeneca.

The state recorded the biggest day yesterday vaccination – As the leader of the federal opposition demanded more advertising to encourage people to get jabs.

More than 21,000 people received jabs yesterday. The age range has been expanded to include people between the ages of 40 and 49.

When the system crashes, a line meanders around the Melbourne Exhibition Hall.
When the system crashes, a line meanders around the Melbourne Exhibition Hall. (Photo by Chris Hopkins)

It has been rejected despite the dissatisfaction of those who are struggling to get through the telephone booking line, and when they try to get it directly without a booking.

Royal Melbourne Hospital, which operates one of the largest hubs at the Royal Exhibition Center, told people not to come today without a reservation.

17,000 vaccinations on Thursday VictoriaThe early numbers for the week were 12,600, 15,800 and 8000, with only 2600 vaccinations last Sunday.

The federal government provides vaccines to people in elderly and disabled homes while the states and territories cover the rest of the population.

Professor Jody McBurnon, director of epidemiology at the Doherty Institute, said today’s numbers are a welcome sign.

“We are all aware of the anecdotes of an empty vaccine center in the last few weeks,” she said today.

People wait to register their information before being vaccinated at the Royal Exhibition Building. (Getty)

“Vaccines are there, and the Commonwealth has made more vaccines available in Victoria.

“Therefore, this extended recommendation is great, and concerns about COVID itself are clearly a reality in Victoria now that we are addressing this latest outbreak and working on this latest blockade.”

People line up outside the Covid-19 vaccination facility at the Melbourne Exhibition and Convention Center. (Bloomberg)

State deputy prime minister James Merlino said the blockade might not have been necessary if more people had been vaccinated, and the new after the state and federal governments abandoned deployment and previous landmarks. Faced with ongoing criticism of refusal to set goals.

According to the Australian Government, the total number of vaccines distributed nationwide is 4,031,539.

New South Wales also carried out the highest number of vaccinations ever, a total of 14,119, yesterday.

However, Professor McVernon said there was no “magic number” of vaccinations that needed to be done.

Professor Jody McBurnon, Dean of Epidemiology, Doherty Institute
Professor Jody McBurnon, Dean of Epidemiology, Doherty Institute (9)

“We need a more subtle and mature discussion,” she said.

“To reach very low levels of COVID epidemics, high levels of vaccination rates are required, which could be managed without the need for blockades or other means.

“But as more and more people in the population get vaccinated, that level will slow down.”

Opposition leader Anthony Albanese today called for a public campaign to inform the public about vaccination.

“We need to have a proper public relations campaign to encourage vaccination,” said Albanese.

“We haven’t seen anything. We see more vaccine deployments and ads for vaccinated people in a day than we see in a day.”

Dr. Nick Coatesworth said the country needs to be open. (9)

“This virus isn’t something you can’t wait to block the Australian fortress and wait for the storm to go away. It’s with us,” she said.

“It’s around us in the world.

“The infection is here as we are confident in our ability to control the disease, eventually relaxing our borders and regaining ties with the outside world.”

She added that starting vaccination in the 40s and 49s, when most people who die of the virus are older, is “encouragement” because they are more “socially active.” ..

Only half of Victoria’s 70s and older are vaccinated, and many geriatric care facilities in the state have not been vaccinated earlier this week.

Locations visited by people infected with the virus throughout the state have been added to the list of over 100 exposed sites.

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“We saw how quickly those exposed areas piled up and they were all over and in the metropolis of Melbourne,” she said.

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