The secrets of human chromosomes have not yet been deciphered by scientists, research suggests
Scientists have finally weighed the complete set of human chromosomes and found that they were 20 times heavier than expected-declaring that there may be “missing components.”
Researchers told The Sunday Telegraph that they didn’t know what it was.
Chromosomes are bundles of genetic material found in almost every cell of every complex organism, from bacteria to humans to everything in between.
Most humans have 46 chromosomes (23 pairs), all of different sizes and shapes, but other species have different numbers.
For example, there are 22 possums, 34 foxes, and 82 great white sharks. However, there are about 450 blue butterflies at Atlas and an astonishing 1,440 Ophioglossales.
However, all chromosomes, regardless of number or organism, follow the same basic structure.
The individual bases of DNA, called A, G, C, and T, pair to form a short double-helix chain that wraps a ball of eight proteins into a bundle called a nucleosome.
These small packages of genetic material are bound together by a thin piece of binding material, which experts call them “beads on a string.”
However, we know all of this, and we know that a complete copy of the human genome contains more than 6.4 billion base pairs of DNA, but the exact total mass of chromosomes is known so far. not.
For the first time, UCL scientists used a powerful X-ray beam called a diamond in Didcot, Oxfordshire to weigh a complete set of human chromosomes.
Researchers radiated X-rays to individual chromosomes to assess how much the beam was scattered. This diffraction pattern was used to generate a 3D reconstruction of the structure of the chromosome.
The mechanical brightness of diamonds, which surpasses the sun billions of times, has enabled highly detailed images.
Professor Robinson and colleagues published a treatise in the journal Chromosome Research and found that the mass of all 46 human chromosomes was 242 picograms.
The heaviest is chromosome 1, which is also the largest and weighs 10.9 picograms. One picogram is one trillionth of a gram, and a grain of sand weighs about 0.000000004 picograms.
Red blood cells, which lack the genetic material because they do not have a nucleus, weigh about 27 picograms.
Professor Ian Robinson, senior author of UCL’s new research, told Sunday Telegraph:
“Chromosomes have been investigated by scientists for 130 years, but some of these complex structures are still poorly understood.”
He continued: “This is the mass of DNA we know from the Human Genome Project, but this is the first time we have been able to accurately measure the mass of chromosomes containing this DNA.
“Our measurements suggest that each cell weighs 242 picograms of 46 chromosomes.
“This is heavier than we expected and, when replicated, indicates an unexplained excess mass of chromosomes.”
To accurately measure the mass of chromosomes, researchers blasted them with x-rays when they were in metaphase, before going through the division process.
Scientists are constantly trying to learn more about the human body, and genome mapping has been an important step in that process.
However, this study reveals the fact that we still have a long way to go before we fully understand the nuances of our bodies.
Archana Bhartiya, PhD student at UCL’s London Nanotechnology Center and lead author of the treatise, said:
“A huge amount of research on chromosomes is being done in medical laboratories to diagnose cancer from patient samples.
“Therefore, the increased ability to image chromosomes is of great value.”
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