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Oregon has reported two more COVID-19 deaths. 257 new cases are the lowest since early April


Deschutes County reports 15 new cases, Jefferson County 8, Crook County None

Portland, Oregon (KTVZ)-There were two new COVID-19-related deaths in Oregon, increasing the state’s death to 2,668, the Oregon Health Department reported on Sunday. Several months.

The Oregon Department of Health reported 257 new confirmed cases of COVID-19 at 12:01 am on Sunday, bringing the state to a total of 201,260 cases. This was the lowest number of cases per day since 248 cases were reported on April 5.

Vaccination in Oregon

OHA reported on Sunday that 17,982 COVID-19 vaccinations were added to the state’s vaccination registry. Of this total, 8,104 doses were given on Saturday and 9,878 were given the day before, but were enrolled in the vaccine registry on Saturday.

Currently, the 7-day moving average is 25,929 times per day.

Oregon currently receives a total of 2,203,469 first and second doses of Pfizer, 1,599,347 first and second doses of Moderna, and 142,531 single doses of the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine.

As of Sunday, 1,843,416 people have completed the COVID-19 vaccine series. There are 2,237,342 people who have taken at least one dose.

Cumulative daily totals can take several days to finalize, as providers have 72 hours to report the dose administered and many providers are behind in reporting due to technical challenges. OHA has provided technical support to vaccination sites to improve the timeliness of data entry into the state’s ALERT Vaccination Information System (IIS).

These data are tentative and subject to change.

OHA Dashboard The Oregon dashboard was updated on Sunday, providing regularly updated vaccination data.

COVID-19 hospitalized

There are 250 patients admitted to COVID-19 throughout Oregon, seven fewer than Saturday. There are 60 COVID-19 patients in the intensive care unit (ICU) bed, four more than Saturday.

The total number of bedtime for COVID-19-positive patients in the last 7 days was 1,836, a decrease of 11.3% from the last 7 days. The peak number of beds per day for COVID-19-positive patients in the last 7 days is 274.

The total number of patients in bed can fluctuate during reporting times. This number does not reflect the number of hospital stays or length of stay per day. This data does not include personnel limits and may further limit bed capacity.

Learn more about hospital capacity...

Incident and death

Newly confirmed estimated COVID-19 cases reported on Sunday were Baker (1), Benton (2), Craccamus (29), Colombia (6), Couse (2), Curry (1), Deshutes (15). ) Is in the county. ), Douglas (12), Harney (1), Jackson (7), Jefferson (8), Josephine (2), Klamath (6), Lane (11), Lynn (16), Marion (30), Morrow (3) ), Multnomah (65), Pork (1), Sherman (1), Tillamook (1), Union (1), Washington (26), Yamhill (10).

The 2,667th death in Oregon was a 44-year-old man from Marion County who tested positive on May 28 and died at the Legacy Meridian Park Medical Center on May 28. The existence of the underlying condition has been confirmed.

The 2,668th death in Oregon was a 57-year-old man from Marion County who tested positive on May 18 and died at the Providence Portland Medical Center on May 23. He had a fundamental condition.

county The total number of cases 1 Total deaths 2
Baker 971 15
Benton 3,194 twenty two
Cracker mass 18,310 223
Kratosop 1,010 8
Columbia 1,832 29
Kuus 2,146 36
Crook 1,201 twenty two
curry 667 Ten
Deshoots 9,649 79
Douglas 3,550 75
Gilliam 64 1
Grant 529 6
Harney 383 8
Hood river 1,204 32
Jackson 11,234 143
Jefferson 2,312 38
Josephine 3,474 72
Klamath 4,680 73
lake 462 7
Lane 13,494 152
Lincoln 1,398 twenty one
Rin 5,346 76
Misfortune 3,562 63
Marion 22,839 318
tomorrow 1,133 16
Multnomah 39,543 606
pork 3,873 53
Shaman 63 1
Tillamook 663 Four
Umatira 8,401 86
Union 1,465 twenty three
Warowa 187 Five
Wasco 1,418 28
Washington 26,320 238
Wheeler 34 1
Yang Hill 4,649 78 78
State-wide 201,260 2,668

1 This includes cases confirmed by diagnostic tests and estimated cases. Estimated cases are cases that show symptoms such as COVID-19, are in close contact with confirmed cases, and do not have a positive diagnostic test. The country of residence of the case may change as new information becomes available. If any changes occur, the count will be updated accordingly.

2 For more information on individuals who died in COVID-19, Oregon, See press release

Electronic Lab Report (ELR) received 5/29

county Negative ELR Positive ELR ELR total Positive rate
Baker twenty five 1 26 3.8%
Benton 152 2 154 1.3%
Cracker mass 751 38 789 4.8%
Kratosop 81 0 81 0.0%
Columbia 111 7 118 5.9%
Kuus 94 1 95 1.1%
Crook 42 0 42 0.0%
curry Ten 1 11 9.1%
Deshoots 257 18 275 6.5%
Douglas 177 9 186 4.8%
Gilliam 2 0 2 0.0%
Grant 2 0 2 0.0%
Harney 19 0 19 0.0%
Hood river 40 0 40 0.0%
Jackson 226 14 240 5.8%
Jefferson 28 Four 32 12.5%
Josephine 58 3 61 4.9%
Klamath 66 8 74 10.8%
lake 3 0 3 0.0%
Lane 566 20 586 3.4%
Lincoln 48 3 51 5.9%
Rin 368 twenty two 390 5.6%
Misfortune 38 1 39 2.6%
Marion 692 38 730 5.2%
tomorrow 19 3 twenty two 13.6%
Multnomah 1,491 82 1,573 5.2%
pork 135 6 141 4.3%
Shaman Four 0 Four 0.0%
Tillamook 31 1 32 3.1%
Umatira 72 6 78 78 7.7%
Union twenty four 2 26 7.7%
Warowa Five 1 6 16.7%
Wasco 33 1 34 2.9%
Washington 1,184 40 1,224 3.3%
Wheeler 0 0 0 0.0%
Yang Hill 1,071 14 1,085 1.3%
State-wide 7,925 346 8,271 4.2%

Cumulative ELR

county Negative ELR Positive ELR ELR total Positive rate
Baker 12,220 1,879 14,099 13.3%
Benton 149,623 4,857 154,480 3.1%
Cracker mass 477,103 28,767 505,870 5.7%
Kratosop 36,329 1,740 38,069 4.6%
Columbia 45,399 2,497 47,896 5.2%
Kuus 49,685 2,608 52,293 5.0%
Crook 20,665 1,535 22,200 6.9%
curry 11,934 564 12,498 4.5%
Deshoots 205,290 11,953 217,243 5.5%
Douglas 87,115 3,966 91,081 4.4%
Gilliam 1,306 45 1,351 3.3%
Grant 6,866 462 7,328 6.3%
Harney 4,490 429 4,919 8.7%
Hood river 33,668 1,739 35,407 4.9%
Jackson 230,508 16,978 247,486 6.9%
Jefferson 21,010 2,148 23,158 9.3%
Josephine 79,914 4,067 83,981 4.8%
Klamath 53,558 5,345 58,903 9.1%
lake 5,936 462 6,398 7.2%
Lane 522,852 16,281 539,133 3.0%
Lincoln 45,546 2,735 48,281 5.7%
Rin 152,373 9,643 162,016 6.0%
Misfortune 27,426 5,227 32,653 16.0%
Marion 370,454 34,214 404,668 8.5%
tomorrow 7,899 1,355 9,254 14.6%
Multnomah 1,112,924 60,080 1,173,004 5.1%
pork 76,498 5,116 81,614 6.3%
Shaman 1,488 72 1,560 4.6%
Tillamook 16,067 662 16,729 4.0%
Umatira 70,220 9,395 79,615 11.8%
Union 22,631 1,849 24,480 7.6%
Warowa 3,398 190 3,588 5.3%
Wasco 36,315 1,774 38,089 4.7%
Washington 688,357 43,585 731,942 6.0%
Wheeler 752 32 784 4.1%
Yang Hill 154,158 7,661 161,819 4.7%
State-wide 4,841,977 291,912 5,133,889 5.7%

Details of COVID-19 vaccination

For more information on the status of the COVID-19 vaccine in Oregon, see the OHA web page (English language Or Spanish), Distribution and other information breakdown.

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