Ted Stillwell: A Century Outbreak-Lifestyle-Devil’s Lake Journal-Devil’s Lake, North Dakota
My mother was born in 1918 during World War I and was 102 years old in November of this year. Today, so many states are considering reopening in the next few days, so we need to consider what our grandparents were dealing with 102 years ago.
My dear old grandmother used to call it a “scarecrow,” but it’s actually a Spanish flu pandemic, not much different than the Covid-19 we witness today. The deadly H1N1 influenza virus pandemic lasted for almost 36 months from January 1918 to December 1920. The second wave of the pandemic was much more deadly than the first, followed by the third.
The Spanish flu has infected approximately 500 million people worldwide. This is about a third of the world’s population. In the United States alone, about 150 million people lived in 1918, and about 28% of the population was infected. The flu killed 500,000 to 850,000. The worldwide death toll is estimated at 170 to 50 million, and can reach 100 million, making it one of the worst pandemics in human history. Since the media reports were nothing compared to today, you probably never know the actual death toll. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, typhoid fever, yellow fever, diphtheria and cholera occurred almost simultaneously.
The outbreak spread in summer and autumn (Northern hemisphere). Influenza usually gets worse in winter. October 1918 was the month with the highest mortality rate of any pandemic.
Although there are several theories about the geographical origin of the pandemic, one hypothesis is that it originated in the poultry and swine virus in Fort Riley, Kansas, and the fort grew for food. On March 4, 1918, a cook from a company called Albert Gitchell from Haskell County reported that he was sick in Fort Riley and became the first victim of the flu. The Army post was a military facility that was training US troops during World War I. Within a few days, 522 men in the post reported the disease, and by March 11, 1918, the virus had reached Queens, New York.
From there, the respiratory virus spread rapidly throughout the military. Social distance was impossible. The soldiers were transferred to an overseas military ship and packed like a sardine. Overcrowded camps and hospitals were the ideal environment for the spread of the virus. The hospital is also treating thousands of poison gas victims and other war victims, passing 100,000 soldiers daily. Due to malnutrition and poor hygiene, trench troops could not afford the opportunity, all in combination to promote bacterial superinfection.
Wartime censorship minimized early reports of illness and death in Germany, the United Kingdom, France and the United States.
Spain remained neutral during the war, but the pandemic did not know the borders. Anyway, it spread from France across the border. Spain was not involved in combat and therefore was not bound by wartime censorship. The newspaper was free to report the effects of the fashion.
When their popular King Alfonso XIII became infected with the flu, the story spread like a wildfire around the world, giving rise to the name Spanish Flu.
Some argue that the flu was the reason why World War I came to an early conclusion when Germany surrendered. Apparently all their soldiers had the flu.
I think it will remain isolated until the second and third waves pass.
See also: “Great Flu: The epic story of the deadliest plague in history”, John Barry
To contact Ted W. Stillwell, send an email to Ted @ or call 816-896-3592.
What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online
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