Why do some people benefit from exercise and others do not?
A new study led by researchers at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) provides insight into the mechanical link between physical fitness and overall health, and why the same exercise can affect different people differently. Became clear.
Everyone can benefit from exercise, but the link between physical fitness and overall health is not fully understood, and there is no reason why the same exercise can have different effects on different people. A study currently published in Nature Metabolism, led by researchers at the Beth Israel Dikones Medical Center (BIDMC), provides insights related to these unanswered questions. This result may help determine the particular type of exercise that is most likely to benefit a particular individual and identify new therapeutic targets for metabolic-related disorders.
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“While the entire group benefits from exercise, the variability in response between two individuals receiving the exact same exercise therapy is actually very impressive. For example, they experienced an improvement in endurance. Some people do, while others experience improved blood sugar levels, “says Senior Correspondent. Author Robert E. Head of Cardiovascular Medicine at Gerszten, MD and BIDMC. “So far, no aspect of an individual’s baseline clinical profile can predict in advance who will most likely benefit cardiorespiratory fitness from exercise training.”
To clarify the details behind the effects of exercise on the body and how they differ from person to person, a team including Dr. Jeremy Robins, MD, lead author of BIDMC’s Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, has about Blood levels of 5,000 proteins were measured. 650 sedentary adults before and after a 20-week endurance exercise program.
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“There is increasing evidence that exercise stimulates the secretion of chemicals that can affect distant organs into the circulation, so we decided to look at proteins in the blood to study the effects of exercise. I was particularly interested, “Robbins said.
A set of 147 proteins in the blood showed individual cardiorespiratory fitness, or VO2max, at the beginning of the study. Another set of 102 proteins showed individual changes in VO2max after the completion of the exercise program.
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“We have identified proteins that originate from bones, muscles, and blood vessels that are strongly associated with cardiorespiratory fitness and have never been associated with exercise training responses,” said Gerszten, a professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School. I will. Senior Associate member of the Broad Institute at MIT and Harvard.
“Previous studies have shown that an individual’s baseline fitness level is independent of their response to exercise training, but the protein profile of baseline VO2max and their response to exercise training interventions,” Robins added. It was fascinating to make sure there was minimal overlap between. “
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Using this information, the research team developed a protein score that improves an individual’s training potential or ability to predict changes in VO2max. For example, scores identified individuals who participated in a standardized exercise program but did not significantly improve their cardiorespiratory fitness. “Baseline levels of some proteins predicted who would respond to exercise training protocols that were far superior to any established patient factor,” Gerszten said.
In another community-based study, although part of the same paper, scientists found that some of these proteins were associated with an increased risk of premature death, cardiorespiratory fitness and long-term health. Emphasizes the association with outcomes.
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“We now have a more detailed understanding of the biology of fitness and exercise adaptation and a detailed list of new blood compounds that predict individual responses to specific exercise therapies,” said Gerszten, director of the Personal Genomics Program. I am. And cardiometabolic disorders in BIDMC.
“While the pill has never been possible to summarize the diversity of benefits from exercise, our research has helped create a roadmap for further exploring potential interventions, and exercise as a treatment It provides an important step in personalization, “Gerszten added.
He said additional work is needed to extend the findings to a larger population and further refine the exact effects of various proteins before and after exercise.
What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online
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