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Researchers at Bar-Ilan University extend life expectancy in mice by an average of 30%

Researchers at Bar-Ilan University extend life expectancy in mice by an average of 30%



image: In a recent paper published by Nature Communications, an international team of researchers led by Bar-Ilan University in Israel reports that transgenic mice express high levels of the SIRT6 gene …
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Credit: Courtesy Bar-Ilan University

Aging is associated with an overall decline in health and an increase in frailty and is a major risk factor for multiple chronic illnesses. Frail’s syndrome, which is characterized by weakness, malaise, and decreased physical activity, affects more than 30% of the elderly population. A better understanding of the underlying mechanisms of the aging process is a top priority for facilitating the development of interventions that help maintain good health and improve survival and longevity.

Cumulative evidence suggests that diet and metabolism are important targetable regulators of healthy lifespan. Professor Haim Cohen, director of the Sagol Healthy Human Longevity Center at Bar-Ilan University, focuses on much of his research on the SIRT6 protein, which is involved in the regulation of many biological processes such as aging, obesity, and insulin resistance.

In a study just published in a journal Nature Communications, An international team led by Cohen and his doctoral student Asael Roichmann, along with Professor Rafael de Cabo of the National Institutes of Health and Professor Manuel Serani of the Institute of Biomedical Sciences in Barcelona, ​​Technion Professor Eyal Gottlieb reports that transgenic mice express high levels of the SIRT6 gene, which can increase their lifespan by an average of 30% in both men and women. Translated into human language, this means that 90 can live up to nearly 120!

In addition, mice showed significant improvement in overcoming various age-related diseases such as cancer and blood disorders. Beyond that, surprisingly, they were able to perform the same level of active activity as young mice and never became frail.

Then, through a variety of biochemical methods and metabolic analysis, researchers have deciphered the mechanism by which SIRT6 acts as a kind of “fountain of youth” and promotes healthy aging. They showed that older animals lose their ability to produce energy without an external energy source, such as a short fast. Manipulated mice, on the other hand, maintained enhanced energy-producing capacity from other stores, such as the breakdown of fat and lactic acid. In doing so, they produced sugar that was used to energy the muscles, especially the brain. In fact, SIRT6 activates the same physical response as a life-prolonging diet.

“This finding, combined with our previous findings, shows that SIRT6 controls the rate of healthy aging,” says Mina of the University of Bairan and Professor Cohen of the Everd Goodman Department of Life Sciences. .. “If we can decide how to activate it in humans, we can extend our lives, which can have a huge impact on our health and economy.” Today, Cohen’s lab finds these findings. We are developing ways to extend a healthy lifespan based on.


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