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No, vaccination “dropout” does not give innate immunity to unvaccinated people

No, vaccination “dropout” does not give innate immunity to unvaccinated people
No, vaccination “dropout” does not give innate immunity to unvaccinated people


New data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show that half of adults in the United States are fully vaccinated against COVID-19, but according to a widely shared social media post, the vaccine Unvaccinated people do not need to be injected to actually get immunity. ..

Read, “Vaccinated people” shed “virus particles everywhere, so they don’t want you to wear a mask now.” May 25th Instagram Post.. “… Pfizer even said during the trial that she wasn’t around a pregnant woman because she could have a miscarriage just by” miscarriage “from a vaccinated person. You will be “vaccinated” whether or not you have been shot. “

As evidence, this post also cites “Pfizer Vaccine Warning page 67”.

TheĀ· Position It was flagged as part of Facebook’s efforts to combat false news and false information in news feeds. (Read our details partnership On Facebook. )

The claim is wrong. The only way a person can be vaccinated is to get a vaccine.

(((Instagram screenshot).

The claim of the post is Uncovered concept The COVID-19 vaccine can be “flushed” like the coronavirus itself. However, there is no biological mechanism by which the side effects and ingredients of the COVID-19 vaccine can be transmitted to others.

The COVID-19 vaccine produces spiked proteins in human cells that are deep inside muscles and lymph nodes. The messenger RNA or mRNA used in the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines, and the modified adenovirus used in the Johnson & Johnson vaccines are not replicated and cannot be shed.

Adam Wheatley, a senior researcher in microbiology and immunology at the University of Melbourne, said these vaccines dropped out because they only code for spike proteins that cannot form the virus and pass from person to person. Said not to cause.

Akiko Iwasaki, an expert in immunobiology at Yale University and a senior researcher at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, said vaccine protein vectors face “dead ends” within vaccinated individuals and spontaneously degrade. Said.

CDC Advised There is no evidence that allowed COVID-19 shots lead to childbirth problems or miscarriage. Similarly There is no truth Alleged that unvaccinated people may suffer from miscarriage and childbirth problems by being around the vaccinated person.

The CDC reports that those who are about to become pregnant do not need to avoid pregnancy after COVID-19 vaccination.

Asked about Post’s allegations, a Pfizer spokesman said the vaccine could only enter the human body at the dose administered.

Quoting page 67 of the Vaccine Warning, the post appears to be referenced Page 67 Of the Pfizer Clinical Vaccine Protocol. There is a statement that the environmental vaccine “exposure during pregnancy” is thought to have occurred in the following cases:

“Women’s families or health care providers report being pregnant after being exposed to research interventions by inhalation or skin contact.

“A male family member or healthcare provider exposed to research intervention by inhalation or skin contact exposes a female partner before or before or after conception.”

A Pfizer spokeswoman was asked about this part of the protocol and, based on current knowledge, said experts believe that the COVID-19 vaccine is unlikely to pose a risk to pregnant people or the foetation. I did. The FDA-approved COVID-19 vaccine does not cause COVID-19 infection in mothers or babies. According to the CDC, the currently approved COVID-19 vaccine can be given to pregnant or lactating people.

In short, this passage is described by experts as a standard language intended to cover a wide range of possible exposures and ensure that the clinical trial process is tightly regulated. Being included in the safety protocol means that researchers will be aware, for example, when a pregnant person is environmentally exposed to the vaccine. This information allows them to study whether they are effective. However, the COVID-19 vaccine that is approved for use does not contain live virus, so exposure to people who have been vaccinated with Pfizer vaccine will not infect virus particles.

Our ruling

According to an Instagram post, “You can get a” vaccination “regardless of whether you received a shot.”

That’s wrong. The only way to get the COVID-19 vaccine is to get the vaccine. It is biologically impossible for the COVID-19 vaccine to result in viral shedding that exposes others to the virus, not to mention how it immunizes unvaccinated people.

We rate this claim as false.

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