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Victoria’s lockdown extended

Victoria’s lockdown extended


Victorian officials will announce an extension of snap lockdown after a nightly meeting of health officials and senior government officials.

Many concerns lie on certain Indian variants that have spread throughout the community and are forcing them to pass through the state’s geriatric care and countless locations.

Experts warn that today’s pandemics are worse than they were a year ago, and that new variants that are more contagious and resistant to vaccines are regularly emerging.

When Continuing positive cases in the stateThe senior minister met with health officials for a “high-level briefing” surrounding the situation and the possibility of extending the state’s fourth blockade on Tuesday night.

Authorities have not confirmed the extension, ABC, age And Herald Sun The blockade reports that it will continue beyond Thursday’s deadline.

It’s not clear how long it will last-the report shows somewhere between 3 and 7 days-but Herald Sun “Strict restrictions on staying in place at least until the beginning of next week,” he says.

The region, Victoria, is also fighting to stay open because there are no positive cases in the region.

Victorian people 5 reason rules It stays in place. is seeking comment from the Victorian Department of Health.

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Age He spoke anonymously because “the final decision has not yet been made,” citing “sources close to the government.”

“The team of Chief Health Officer Brett Sutton was strongly inclined to recommend an extension of the blockade,” it reads.

The decision is expected to be made today, but Victoria’s Deputy Premier of Victoria, George Closure, sought an early response.

“Please give us your health advice. Victorian people are informed,” she said.

The news came at the same time NSW Health reveals positive case from Victoria He visited many sites and raised further concerns that the virus might have spread throughout the state.

“There are more viruses in the air.”

The concern for officials is how quickly people get infected after “breaking through” a stranger with a virus.

Test commander Yeron Weimar said on Tuesday that at least four of the state’s 54 local infections came from “fleet” contacts among Victorian people.

“What we are seeing now is that people are slipping through each other in a small store, going to the exhibition hall and looking at the pictures in the Telstra store,” he said.

“This is relatively fleeting, relatively fleeting. They don’t know each other’s names, and it’s very different from what we used to be.

“This is a transmission from a stranger to a stranger.”

Professor McIntyre told ABC Patricia Karvelas on Tuesday that the variants spreading in Melbourne were “more contagious” and “more contagious” and “more likely to increase vaccine resistance than their strains.” He said there was a mutation. “.

“There are more viruses in the air. SARSCovid-2 is floating in the air, so wherever someone was indoors may be at high risk for this particular virus.

“The biggest risk is inhaling the virus through polluted indoor air in a poorly ventilated environment.

“This variant raised stakes because we know we are more contagious.”

“Today’s pandemics are worse than they were a year ago, and new variants are emerging on a regular basis, as they are particularly infectious and resistant to varying degrees of vaccines available. , The risk is much higher. ”

Sutton previously said he was “concerned” about the spread of the virus and then hinted that it was likely to spread.

“We have become 4200 major close contacts from a single case at the beginning of the month,” he said.

“This is a fast-moving virus, and the infections that occurred in these high-risk environments were enormous.

“So we need to think of (lockdown) as a daily outlook.

“Today, more numbers are coming, especially in elderly care, there is something that really has to do with the setting, and we’re stuck in this virus, it’s an absolute beast.”

Victoria recorded three new Covid-19 cases on Tuesday.

Health Minister Martin Foley said the two cases were major close contacts that had already been quarantined during the period of infection.

The last case is still under investigation.

“They are not contacts and are not directly linked to any exposure site, but they are very close to other exposure sites and I am confident that ongoing investigations will reveal further crossovers.” He said.

Initially published as follows Victoria’s lockdown extended


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