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Parasites can build up in the spleen of asymptomatic people infected with malaria.

Parasites can build up in the spleen of asymptomatic people infected with malaria.


Malaria, a disease mainly caused by parasites Plasmodium falciparum And Plasmodium vivax, (Vivax malaria) More than 400,000 people die each year. Previously, the spleen was thought to be primarily involved in the destruction of parasites because it eliminates Plasmodium after antimalarial treatment.Studies published in open access journals PLOS medicine By Steven Kho and Nicholas Anstey of the Menzies School of Health Research, Australia, and international colleagues Vivax malaria Upon infection, Plasmodium survives and replicates in the spleen through a previously undetected life cycle.

Large amounts of intact, asymptomatic, Plasmodium biomass accumulate in the spleen of infected asymptomatic human subjects. Plasmodium vivax (((Vivax malaria). However, the mechanism behind this intense reaction is unknown. To better understand the accumulation of Plasmodium in the spleen, researchers examined the spleen tissue of 22 naturally exposed individuals. Vivax malaria And Plasmodium falciparum From 2015 to 2017, he will undergo splenectomy in Papua, Indonesia. The authors then analyzed the infection, parasites, density of immature red blood cells, and distribution throughout the spleen.

Researchers have discovered that the human spleen is a reservoir of targeted immature red blood cells. Vivax malaria Due to aggression, and the spleen examined, contains significant hidden biomass of Plasmodium, the density of which is hundreds to thousands of times higher than that of circulating peripheral blood. Vivax malaria Infection. The study had several restrictions, including a small sample size and the asymptomatic status of all individuals who participated in the study. Future studies should include cases of acute symptomatic malaria.

According to the author, “Our findings have contributed significantly to our understanding of malaria biology and pathology. Vivax malaria Specific indications that have evolved to maximize survival and replication in the spleen. “


Research treatise

Peer review.Observational study; human

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Funding: This work is a Fellowship to the Australian National Council for Health and Medical Research (Program Grant # 1037304, NA) [#1042072 and #1135820], And “Improvement of Health Outcomes in the Northern Tropics (HOTNORTH): Interdisciplinary Collaboration [#1131932], And the Center for Australian Studies in the Eradication of Malaria), «DIM Thérapie génique» and «DIM Ma Ladies Infectieuses» Initiatives (awarded to PAB and BH) in the Paris-Ildo France region, French Institute National Dela Sante Et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM), the University of Paris, the Laboratory of Excellence GREx, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF OPP1123683), and the «Sauver la Vie Foundation» (to PAB), The Wellcome Trust (Grant # 099875 JRP) Awarded and awarded RNP Senior Fellowship in Clinical Science [#200909]), Australian Government Graduate School Award Scholarship and OzEMalaR Travel Award (Awarded to SK), Royal Association Wolfson Research Achievement Award (Awarded to MM), National University of Singapore Medical Research Council (Awarded to TWY) [CSA INV 15nov007]), And the Australian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade. The funder is not involved in study design, data collection and analysis, publication decisions, or manuscript preparation.

Competitive Benefits: The author declares that there are no competing interests.

Quotes: Kho S, Qotrunnada L, Leonardo L, Andries B, Wardani PAI, Fricot A, et al. (2021) Evaluation of spleen accumulation and co-localization of immature reticulocytes Plasmodium vivax For asymptomatic malaria: A prospective study of human splenectomy. PLoS Med 18 (5): e1003632. https: // /10.10.1371 /journal.pmed.1003632

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