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Mumbai: 1,032 lactating women get jabs and turnout for pregnant women is zero


Mumbai has vaccinated more than 1,000 lactating women, but so far the turnout of pregnant women has been zero. COVID-19 Jab vaccination center.

Mumbai is the first city in India to allow pregnant women to be vaccinated, and pregnant women need to submit a consent form and obtain a gynecologist’s certificate that they are suitable for vaccination. There is. So far, turnout has been zero, due to the hesitation of gynecologists to issue certificates, the lack of awareness of pregnant women, and in some cases the refusal of vaccination by vaccination centers.

Mumbai vaccinated 1,032 lactating women after the center notified them to start vaccination on May 19. An additional member of the municipality, Thresh Kakani, said lactating women must submit a newborn birth certificate to receive a jab.

BMC has decided to go one step further and allow pregnant women with a gynecologist’s certificate and consent form. “We instructed all centers to allow pregnant women, but it seems that pregnant women haven’t come so far,” he said.

Each vaccination center should create a separate queue for pregnant and lactating women. However, the NESCO Vaccination Center said it began vaccination only for lactating women.

Some gynecologists refrain from issuing certificates for fear of accountability. Gynecologist Dr. Nikil Dutter said several pregnant women approached him, but he did not issue a certificate. “Why does the government make doctors responsible for issuing certificates? India issues national guidelines that allow pregnant women to be vaccinated, rather than asking us to issue certificates. You need to be vaccinated during pregnancy, “says Datar.

Dr. Sanzita Picare, based in Mahim, advised pregnant women to vaccinate, but said she was hesitant. “And there is hesitation among doctors. Rare thromboembolism can occur after vaccination of pregnant women, but doctors do not want to be blamed for such adverse events.” She said.

Dr. Ashok Anand, director of gynecology at JJ Hospital, said pregnant women were also not fully aware of vaccination and were safe for their babies. “Pregnant women aren’t confident about getting a jab and are worried about its consequences. Not many people ask about it because they aren’t aware of this issue,” he said. Anand said he was ready to issue a certificate but was not approached by anyone.

The Indian Obstetrics and Gynecology Association (FOGSI) recommends vaccination of pregnant women and states that it provides dual protection for mothers and newborns. Dr. Bipin Pandit, a member of FOGSI, said he had issued certificates to some women but had not yet been jabed.

Priyanka Chatrvedi Shiv Sena The leader said the National Group of Experts on Vaccine Management for COVID-19 (NEGVAC) has not yet approved and developed national guidelines for vaccination of pregnant women. “Until then, I think it will take some time to streamline the process. The BMC Commissioner also wrote to Secretary of Health Rajesh Bhushan about it. There may be communication issues with the vaccination center. No, “said Chattlevedi.


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