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Gangaram Hospital sets up a ward for children facing post-Corona complexity


Cases of the coronavirus in Delhi are beginning to decline, but the capital is witnessing a surge in another disease affecting children.

According to doctors, the disease, called multiple organ inflammation syndrome (MIS-C) in children, is escalating due to complications after a new coronavirus infection. With the increasing number of cases of MIS-C, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital in Delhi has set up a dedicated ward for such children.

Dr. Dhiren Gupta, Covid Specialist, and Pediatrics A senior consultant at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, a pulmonologist and intensive care specialist at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, said that nearly 70% of MIS-C patients require an ICU bed.

Dr. Gupta said the hospital has witnessed at least 10 cases in 24 hours.

“There were cases of MIS-C last year, but this time there are far more cases. In Gangaram, we saw as many as 10 cases in 24 hours,” he said.

“When the number of these patients increased, we considered getting ready. One of the acute care wards of COVID-19, which had a very small number of patients (decreased number of cases), Changed to MIS-C wards. Almost 70% of these wards have been converted to MIS-C wards. Patients need an ICU and now we are special not only within the ICU but also internally We have a lot of space. With the increasing number of cases of MIS-C, this type of mobility will always help, “he said.

“Many hospitals plan to pay individual attention to children affected by MIS-C,” he added.

in the case of MIS-C It was seen in children during the convalescent period or 2-4 weeks after acute Covid.

“If 100 adults infected with Covid-19 require hospitalization, only 25 of them will need an ICU, but 70-80 out of 100 will need an ICU. Therefore, adult patients It requires far more resources than it does. Not all systems work together, so you should be prepared to treat a small baby, “Dr. Gupta said. Said.

Dr. Vinod K Paul, chair of the National Expert Group on COVID-19 Vaccine Management (NEGVAC) and a member of NITI Aayog (Health), said, “Children’s Covid 19 was discovered in two ways. In, some cases of polyinflammatory syndrome were found among children who had just recovered from coronavirus infection. “

Sudden spurts of MIS-C are usually observed in patients aged 4 to 18 years who have recovered from Covid.

What is MIS-C?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Pediatric Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome (MIS-C) can cause inflammation of various parts of the body, including the heart, lungs, kidneys, brain, skin, eyes, and gastrointestinal tract. It is in a state of sex. organ.

Symptoms of MIS-C

Fever, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, rash, red eye, neck pain, dyspnea, chest pain and tightness, abdominal pain, etc.

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