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Customers visiting Prestwick Bar The BUF between May 22nd and 30th were prompted for Covid testing


Customers who come to the store Prestwick Bars from May 22nd to May 30th are required to be inspected by Covid.

Health officials today confirmed that contact follow-up is underway, following a number of positive cases associated with BUF.

Barr decided to temporarily close earlier this week due to a small number of positive cases among staff.

Now boss NHS Ayrshire & Alan Those who visit the bar during these dates state that they will have to take the test themselves.

“The NHS Ayrshire & Alan test and protection team conducted contact tracking exercises in Prestwick’s BUF after a coronavirus (COVID-19) infection was confirmed,” said Lin McNiben, director of public health. You can confirm that it is.

“The NHS Ayrshire & Arran testing and protection team conducts risk assessments to identify individuals who may have come into contact with identified cases.

“Individuals and their households have been contacted and instructed to book a 10-day quarantine and examination.

“The test is a PCR test only and can be accessed by calling or visiting 119.

“We also ask customers who stayed at The BUF from May 22nd to May 30th to undergo an inspection.

“If you experience symptoms such as fever, persistent cough, loss of taste or smell, you should immediately self-quarantine and call 119 or book a test that you can visit and access.

“For asymptomatic individuals, visit an asymptomatic testing site or a nearby mobile testing unit.

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“No reservations required and tests are available from a variety of locations seven days a week from 10 am to 6 pm.

“Please check this out for details

“All relevant public health measures have been implemented and our public health team works with the BUF management team and South Ayrshire Environmental Health Officers to manage and monitor the situation.

“As a precautionary measure, the BUF was closed voluntarily until contact tracking was completed.”

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