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Realtors ban viewing vaccinated buyers’ properties

Realtors ban viewing vaccinated buyers’ properties
Realtors ban viewing vaccinated buyers’ properties


Ann Australian person Realtors have banned potential buyers who have been vaccinated. COVID-19 (New Coronavirus Infection) From a tour of the property.

A 6-bed, 3-bath, 10-acre home is on the market for A $ 899,000, but the list notice has significantly reduced the pool of potential buyers.

Brisbane-based real estate agent Catherine Webster told buyers interested in Morayfield’s homes: vaccine This facility is off limits. “

The realtor told 7 News about her decision to keep vaccinated people out of the house: “It’s my personal choice because it’s the personal choice of the vaccinated people.

“There was more than an overwhelming response from those who were grateful. They [phoned] I support you”

In a 7 News report Wednesday, Webster quoted a false claim that the COVID-19 vaccine “releases” proteins that can lead to other people’s health problems.

However, due to false claims about the dangers of being close to vaccinated people, Australian experts are not the only ones limiting or adapting services.

Social worker Matilda Bowden told clients that he would suspend services to “service providers, clients, friends and family” who were vaccinated against COVID-19 for a month, according to an April report by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation. ..

Like Webster, Bowden cited the false claim that people vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccine could “excrete” the virus.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Vaccine excretion is a term used to describe “the release or excretion of vaccine components inside and outside the body.”

The vaccines approved for use in Australia are the Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine and the Oxford / AstraZeneca vaccine.

Pfizer is an mRNA vaccine that does not use the live virus that causes COVID-19. Oxford / AstraZeneca’s Jab “is based on replication-deficient adenovirus, which means that the adenovirus cannot replicate,” said Dr. Daniel, head of the infectious disease department at Brigham and Women’s Hospital. Kuritzkes was reported by Reuters.

The false allegation that an unvaccinated person became ill when near a person who received the COVID-19 vaccine is shared by certain Australians. Facebook user.

The Australian Associated Press (AAP) reports that widespread conspiracy on social media has led unvaccinated people to experience “irregular and heavy menstruation, bleeding during pregnancy, miscarriage,” “medical devices and experiments.” He reported that he claimed to be “gene therapy.”

He also claimed that pets could die “when touched by a person infected with COVID jab.”

However, these claims were rejected by scientists. Holly Seal, a social scientist and associate professor of infectious diseases at the University of New South Wales (UNSW), told AAP FactCheck: “

Newsweek Contacted Catherine Webster for comment.

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COVID-19 vaccination
Hospital personnel vaccinated with COVID-19 in Long Island, NY on December 14, 2020. Australian real estate agents have banned vaccinated people from seeing real estate in the market.
Scott Hines / Getty

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