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India can easily carry out antiviral drug synthesis


Ani |
Has been updated:
May 3, 2020 00:03 IST

By Joymala Bagchi
New Delhi [India], May 3 (ANI): India can easily synthesize antiviral drugs- Rendecibir -When allowed by a US-based pharmaceutical giant Gilead Science,Said Dr. Nirmal K Ganguly, Former Executive Director of Indian Medical Research Council (ICMR), Saturday.
US pharmaceutical giant Gilead ScienceHas developed this drug, is currently exploring several possibilities, and is discussing an open license for this drug with several Indian companies.
“The drug will be readily available with little or no government support. The synthesis of this drug is not so difficult. If Gilead allowed it, India would make it available, as well as its own trials. You can do it, and overall it’s a big deal, “Dr. Gangley said while talking to ANI last Saturday.
“Antivirals were created to treat RNA viruses-Marburg and Ebola. But it didn’t succeed after that,” he added.
Importantly, Rendecibir Nucleotides that stop the replication of RNA viruses and do not cause mutations. Most importantly, it has low toxicity.
Commenting on the shortcomings of this drug, Dr. Gangli said, “The only drawback that has been pointed out so far is that it must be given by infusion. It cannot be given as a tablet or even outside the hospital. “
In a published report, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) confirmed that antiviral drugs have a definite effect on reducing recovery time in 1,063 patients.
Gilead will soon have large-scale trials in seven countries.
“Once results are known, India will be able to use the drug because it is the largest randomized chemical test,” Dr. Ganguly added.
“Hydroxychloroquine has the advantage of an early reduction in viral load when given to normal people. However, in mild cases, close supervision is required. Excluded from the list. Brazil and Sweden banned it, but that doesn’t mean we can’t run trials with this drug, “said Dr. Ganguly.
Since the beginning of the global coronavirus pandemic, scientists, professionals, and practitioners have been enthusiastic about researching the most effective treatments for COVID-19 patients. According to experts, antiviral drugs- Rendecibir -Maybe the answer.
Interestingly, lambdesibir effectively treats both humans and animals suffering from COVID-19. (Ani)


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