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The COVID-19 vaccine “may ultimately help develop a successful and highly effective HIV vaccine.”



Dr. Anthony Fauci of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases speaks at the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Commission hearing on June 30, 2020 in Washington, DC. Heads of federal health officials discussed efforts to safely return to work or school during a coronavirus pandemic. Al Drago-Pool / Getty Images

  • Dr. Anthony Fauci began his career as a public health expert during the HIV / AIDS epidemic of the 1980s.

  • Fauci didn’t want to be the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) today, but said he was motivated by the lack of attention to the HIV / AIDS crisis.

  • He believes there is much to be learned from the COVID-19 vaccine, which can lead to HIV vaccines.

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Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), is one of the leading experts in the pandemic of the new coronavirus. About 40 years before COVID-19 spread around the world, he tackled another deadly and lesser-known epidemic.

Fauci said today About his early career experience working as a senior researcher at the National Institutes of Health during the HIV / AIDS crisis in 1981.

“It was a time of great change.” He said today. “I clearly remember sitting in my office outside my lab at the Clinical Center Hospital, where I learned about the first five patients from Los Angeles who had this strange new illness. I saw the first (report) of, explaining what was happening without anyone knowing. “

He spent much of his career finding solutions to the HIV / AIDS crisis, which motivated him to become the director of NIAID.

“I never wanted to be the director of the institute, but it was clear that I was paying attention to infectious diseases in general, especially HIV,” he said.

HIV / AIDS research and treatment has grown rapidly since the 1980s

Since Fauci first learned of the virus in the 1980s, HIV / AIDS treatments have improved significantly.

In 2017, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention People living with HIV who take antiviral drugs on a regular basis for at least 6 months have undetectable viral load. That is, it cannot infect other people.

For those who want to protect themselves from HIV, Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP)A drug that greatly reduces the chances of someone getting the virus through sex or sharing needles. According to the CDC Taking PrEP can reduce your chances of getting HIV through sex by 99%.

Scientists haven’t developed a vaccine for HIV yet, but Fauci has hope. HIV attacks the body differently than COVID-19, The process of developing a vaccine for COVID-19 I have taught experts how to rethink vaccine development.

“Hopefully, some of what we have learned from the COVID-19 vaccine will eventually help us develop a highly effective HIV vaccine,” Fauci said. .. “So we still hope it will happen.”

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