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Global “hotspots” where new coronaviruses may emerge have been identified

Global “hotspots” where new coronaviruses may emerge have been identified
Global “hotspots” where new coronaviruses may emerge have been identified


New Delhi, June 3 (PTI) Human settlement, agricultural expansion, and changes in global land use due to livestock production are creating hotspots in favor of coronavirus-carrying bats, causing disease to fly. The conditions for jumping from mammals to humans are in place. For studying.

The exact origin of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, remains unknown, but scientists say the disease occurred when the virus that infects horseshoe bats arrived in humans. I think it may have happened.

It can be transmitted directly through human contact with wildlife or indirectly by first infecting an intermediate host animal such as pangolin.

Horseshoe bats are known to carry a variety of coronaviruses, including strains that are genetically similar to those that cause COVID-19 and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).

A new study published in Nature Food used remote sensing to analyze land-use patterns across the habitat of horseshoe bats from Western Europe to Southeast Asia.

Researchers analyzed areas of forest fragmentation, human settlements, agriculture and livestock production, and compared these with known horseshoe-shaped bat habitats.

In doing so, they identify potential habitat-favorable hotspots for these bat species and where these so-called zoonotic viruses can jump from bats to humans. Is done.

Researchers noted that most of today’s hotspots are concentrated in China, where demand for meat products is increasing and the expansion of large-scale industrial livestock farming is being promoted.

Centralized production of livestock is of particular concern. Because this practice connects large populations of genetically similar, often immunosuppressed animals that are very vulnerable to the development of the disease, they said.

“Changes in land use can have significant implications for human health, because we are not only changing the environment, but also increasing exposure to common berkeley infections. “That’s what the study co-author, Professor Paolo Dodrico of the University of California, Berkeley, said, from Berkeley, California, USA.

“All formal land-use changes have a chain reaction that can affect human health as well as environmental and social impacts on resources such as carbon accumulation, microclimate and water availability. Should also be evaluated, “said Doorico.

Researchers have also identified locations that are prone to hotspots due to changes in land use.

They say that while parts of Japan, China in the northern Philippines and south of Shanghai, are at risk of becoming hotspots due to increased forest fragmentation, parts of Indochina and Thailand are due to increased livestock production. Discovered that it could move to a hotspot.

“The purpose of the analysis is to identify the potential for new hotspots in response to an increase in any of the three land-use attributes, causing spillover-friendly areas and hotspot activation. It emphasizes both possible types of land-use change, says Maria Christina Ruri, a professor at the Polytechnic University of Milan, Italy, who co-authored the study.

“We hope that these results will help identify the region-specific, targeted interventions needed to increase the resilience of the coronavirus to spillover,” Rulli said.

Researchers say that human invasion of natural habitats can indirectly increase exposure to zoonotic diseases by reducing valuable biodiversity.

When forest areas are fragmented and natural habitats are destroyed, species that require very specialized habitats, called “experts,” can diminish or become extinct, they said.

Researchers have pointed out that without competition from experts, habitat-agnostic “generalist” species can take over.

Horseshoe bats are a common species and are commonly observed in areas characterized by human disturbance.

Previous studies by the research team have linked African forest disruption and habitat destruction to the Ebola virus epidemic.

“By creating conditions that are detrimental to specialized species, generalist species can thrive,” Dodrico said.

“Although it is not possible to directly track the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 from wildlife to humans, the type of land use change in humans is usually associated with the presence of these bats. I know. Carrying the virus, “he added. PTI SAR SAR

Disclaimer:- This article has not been edited by Outlook staff and is automatically generated from news agency feeds. Source: PTI

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