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Smokers quit on the spot when watching a vivid video of a lung damaged by a black cigarette


A video of a smoker’s lungs next to a pair of normal, healthy lungs posted on TikTok terrorized some addicts and decided to quit smoking on the spot.

Rich in ads, warnings, information, everyone knows Smoking is bad for your health And the risk of developing many illnesses, including cancer, increases. But there is nothing better than seeing the direct effect on your own to convey the message.

Tiktok user Kanye South shared a stunning clip on Kanye.Skillman on the TikTok page.

A pair of healthy lungs are swollen in a place that looks like a classroom, an unknown place. The color is light pink, and when air is blown in, the organs expand significantly, almost doubling in size.

With shocking contrast, the camera switches to the smoker’s lungs. The lungs are black, with gray and white lines running through the lungs.

Lungs that appear to be contracted are pushed up in the same way, but by comparison they barely swell.

South captioned the video “Healthy Lungs and Smoker’s Lungs.”

The video, shared on Sunday, has already been watched more than 9 million times. Some people admit that smoking didn’t notice the blackening of their organs.

The raw video was very intuitive, claiming that several smokers intend to quit smoking on the spot.

Former smoker Polly wrote: “I think I was going to see this. I’ve been smoking for 40 years. Today is the 6th day of quitting smoking. It’s not easy.

Mr. AS confessed, “I smoke while watching this. It’s been five years since I really decided to quit.”

“I’ve lived with my father, a chain smoker, for 18 years. I don’t smoke, but I’m worried that my lungs may have turned black,” Rhodesolton said.

Leah Violet commented, “I may quit smoking.”

“I knew that smoking was said to change the color of my lungs, but I didn’t think it was this black. I thought it was a darker pink than usual,” Elena Paula said. ..

Smoking causes more than 480,000 deaths each year in the United States, with nearly one in five deaths.CDC).

The CDC states:Smoking can cause lung disease By damaging the small air sacs (alveoli) in the airways and lungs. Pulmonary disorders caused by smoking include COPD, such as emphysema and chronic bronchitis.

Cigarette smoking causes most cases of lung cancerIf you have asthma, cigarette smoke can cause or exacerbate seizures. Smokers are 12 to 13 times more likely to die of COPD than nonsmokers. “

Newsweek Asked South for comment.

Image of right hilar lung tumor
Stock image of right hilar lung tumor. A video showing how the lungs of a black smoker work is controversial online.
Douglas Olivares / Getty Images

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