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Six UK municipalities ban tobacco outside pubs, cafes and restaurants


Six local governments prohibit people from going out. smoking On the sidewalk outside pubs, cafes and restaurants, the government takes Britain No smoking In less than 10 years.

The Northumberland County Council, Durham, North Tyneside, Newcastle and Manchester have banned smoking on sidewalks with outdoor seating in the new Covid outdoor dining culture.

The Gateshead Council states that all sidewalk cafes must be non-smoking, but no official policy has been set.

An attempt to quit smoking on the sidewalk, which was amended by the House of Lords last summer, failed, but eating and drinking outdoors gave the problem new visibility.

Oxfordshire plans to take this a step further, aiming to quit smoking in the county by 2025. This is five years earlier than the government’s plan for the country.

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As part of That planOxfordshire, Oxfordshire, will crack down on the sale of tobacco to children under the age of 18, target smoking during pregnancy, and work to prevent smoking in the workplace.

The county statement said, “Oxfordshire has set an ambitious goal of quitting smoking by 2025. A wider range of county-wide plans.

“At this point, there is no deadline for a smokeless sidewalk license proposal and nothing has been agreed yet.”

Smoking advocates say local governments such as Oxfordshire should not interfere. Simon Clarke, director of the smoker lobby group Forest, said: Parents: “If an adult chooses to smoke, the local council is irrelevant.

Bethonie Waring supports smoking cessation and states that “everyone can eat outdoors more safely and comfortably.”

“I grew up in a smoking family. [and while] I don’t think it was the cause of my respiratory problems, but it caused many asthma attacks, “she said. I..

“I don’t object to smokers, but sitting around them outdoors makes me sick.”

She believes the new rules will help those who have recently quit smoking or who are suffering from health problems exacerbated by second-hand smoke.

Badar Raja, also a non-smoker, fully supports the ban and believes it protects the general public.

“I believe the government’s paternalistic approach to smoking bans is a great step in controlling the harmful effects of smoking,” he said. I..

“Of course, it is argued that individuals should be provided with autonomy, and excessive criminalization is regressive, but autonomy must not sacrifice harm to society.”

Suzy is a smoker and said it was “easy” to ban smoking in sidewalk cafe areas and enclosed pub gardens.

“If someone is eating or have kids around, I’m already sneaking in to smoke. I feel sick with other smokers,” she said. I..

Her question is whether the venue will completely remove space for smokers.

“I think it’s non-free to get rid of smoking corners and wall ashtrays outside pubs and clubs,” she said.

“Keep us out of the way? Absolutely smoking is terrible, but I don’t have to sneak out like I’m meeting [drug] Dealer by walking down the street at night! “

Smoker Ben argued that smokers should also be allowed indoors.

“I think people should be able to smoke indoors unless they break into other places,” he said. I..

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