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Johnson & Johnson Vaccine Facts

Johnson & Johnson Vaccine Facts


Is Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 Vaccine Is the third COVID-19 vaccine approved for emergency use by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). In short, it has proven to be safe and effective.

It’s normal to have questions about new vaccines, medications, or treatments. The following addresses questions and concerns regarding the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine.

Before digging deeper into the Johnson & Johnson (J & J) COVID-19 vaccine, let’s review some important points.

  • The J & J COVID-19 vaccine requires only one dose instead of two.
  • This vaccine uses viral vector technology instead of mRNA.
  • Clinical trials have shown that this vaccine is effective in preventing both mild to moderate COVID-19 and severe COVID-19. They also showed that the vaccine is effective against some COVID-19 variants.
  • The J & J COVID-19 vaccine shares common side effects with other COVID-19 vaccines, including injection site reactions, headaches, and fatigue.
  • Serious blood clots are rarely reported after vaccination, but the risk of developing them is very low.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and FDA Recommendation Suspension of J & J COVID-19 vaccine on April 13, 2021. At the time of the suspension, about 6.8 million doses of vaccine had been given.

The purpose of this suspension was to investigate further Rare blood clot This is a report after vaccination. It also helped health professionals know how to identify and treat these blood clots when they occur.

What are these blood clots?

Reported Blood clot Occurs in large blood vessels in the brain or abdomen Low platelet countThe medical term for this condition is thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome (TTS).

Who got these blood clots?

At the time of the suspension, six TTSs were reported, including one death.All these cases are involved Woman From 18 to 48 years old. TTS symptoms have begun 1 to 2 weeks After receiving the J & J COVID-19 vaccine.

At the time of writing, nine more cases of TTS have been reported. FDATwo of these additional cases were associated with death.

Has the pause been lifted?

Okay. April 23, 2021 pause About J & J COVID-19 vaccine LiftedAfter a thorough review of the data on reported thrombotic outbreaks, the CDC and FDA concluded that the known benefits of the J & J COVID-19 vaccine outweigh the potential risks.

Do you need to worry?

TTS is a very rare side effect of the J & J COVID-19 vaccine. According to the CDC, it happens at the following rates: 7 women in 1 million From 18 to 49 years old. The risk is even lower for women and men over the age of 50.

If you are under the age of 50 and are assigned as a woman at birth, it is important to be aware of the risks of these blood clots and their potential symptoms.

If you are worried about getting the J & J COVID-19 vaccine, you can use other COVID-19 vaccines that are not related to this side effect. These include Pfizer Biotechnology And present day vaccine.

To approve a vaccine for emergency use, the FDA must ensure that the vaccine is safe and effective.Institutional review Clinical trial Data from Over 40,000 Manufacturing information provided by participants and Johnson & Johnson.

FDA Approves J & J COVID-19 Vaccine Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) It is the third COVID-19 vaccine in the United States that has obtained an EUA.

In addition, both World Health Organization (WHO) And European Medical Association (EMA) The J & J COVID-19 vaccine has been found to be safe and effective.

What are the common side effects

Is Phase 3 clinical trial The most commonly reported J & J COVID-19 vaccine Side effects Similar to other approved COVID-19 vaccines.These side effects were more common in people Under 60 years old It contains:

These side effects usually occur within a day or two of vaccination and disappear within a few days. They are perfectly normal and are a sign that your body is building an immune response.

Are there any rare side effects

Some Rare side effects Also observed during Phase 3 clinical trialThese have occurred in a very small number of people.

Of the 21,895 vaccinated, only 7 had serious side effects that could be associated with the vaccine. This is about 0.03% of study participants in the vaccine group. These effects include:

Investigators noted a few things Thrombus eventFor example, 11 blood coagulation events were observed in the vaccine group, compared to 3 in the placebo group. Most of these participants Fundamental conditions Increases the risk of blood clots.

The J & J COVID-19 vaccine is a viral vector vaccine. This means that the virus is used to deliver the vaccine component. Let’s examine this in more detail.

Creating a vector

The adenovirus vector is used in the J & J COVID-19 vaccine. Adenoviruses usually cause the following: Respiratory tract infection In humans.

However, this adenovirus has been modified so that it cannot replicate inside the cell. In other words, it does not cause illness. This only ensures that the components of the vaccine are delivered to the cells before they are broken down.

To make a vaccine, the genes of the novel Coronavirus Peplomers have been inserted into the genetic material of adenovirus. Peplomers are usually outside the coronavirus and are used to bind to host cells.

It is important to note that the genetic material provided by the adenovirus vector cannot change your body. DNA In any way. Unlike other types of viruses such as HIV, Adenovirus does not have the ability to integrate into DNA.

How does this work exactly?

When the J & J COVID-19 vaccine is given, the modified adenovirus enters the host cells in the body and releases its genetic material.

The cell produces peplomer according to the instructions of the genetic material provided by the viral vector and transports the peplomer to the cell surface.

your Immune system It can be identified as a foreign substance by looking at the spike protein on the cell surface. It provokes an immune response, during which antibodies and immune cells that specifically recognize peaplomers are produced.

When exposed to a new coronavirus, the immune system is ready to recognize and defend against it.This will help prevent you from growing COVID-19 (New Coronavirus Infection)..

Why is it one dose?

One of the main things you may have heard about the J & J COVID-19 vaccine is that you only need one dose instead of two. Why is this?

Early clinical trials Tested both single and double vaccination plans. It was found that 90% of participants produced strong levels of neutralizing antibodies 29 days after the first dose. Researchers have found that levels of these antibodies remain stable 71 days after the first dose.

The extent and stability of this response prompted researchers to continue the single-dose regimen in further studies. Studies are also underway to investigate the double-dose J & J COVID-19 vaccine program. in progress..

You may be wondering exactly how the J & J COVID-19 vaccine differs from the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines. In general, there are three major differences.

  • Required dose. The J & J COVID-19 vaccine requires only one vaccination. Pfizer-For both BioNTech and Moderna vaccines, 2 times, Separated by 3 and 4 weeks, respectively.
  • Technology. The J & J COVID-19 vaccine uses viral vector technology. Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines mRNA technology..
  • storage. The J & J COVID-19 vaccine can be refrigerated, but the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines must be stored frozen.

You may be wondering why you didn’t mention the difference in effect. This is because clinical trials of the three COVID-19 vaccines were conducted as follows:

  • Performed at various times in the pandemic
  • Located in geographically different locations
  • Completed using various research protocols

by FDA, The efficacy of the three COVID-19 vaccines cannot be directly compared. Overall, all three approved COVID-19 vaccines are effective in preventing COVID-19.

Is Phase 3 clinical trial Of the J & J COVID-19 vaccine, people from several parts of the world were included. We measured the ability of vaccines to prevent both mild to moderate COVID-19 and severe COVID-19.

Is Effect of J & J COVID-19 vaccine With prevention Mild to moderate COVID-19 If more than 14 days have passed since vaccination:

  • Overall: 66.3%
  • America: 74.4%
  • Brazil: 66.2%
  • South Africa: 52 percent

The J & J COVID-19 vaccine was also effective in preventing severe COVID-19 more than 14 days after vaccination. In this case, its effectiveness is as follows:

  • Overall: 76.3%
  • America: 78%
  • Brazil: 81.9%
  • South Africa: 73.1%

These findings are noteworthy because they provide information on the effectiveness of the vaccine. Viral mutantThese include the first confirmed B.1351 variant in South Africa and the P.2 variant found in Brazil.

Researchers say most of the viruses found in both Brazil and South Africa at the time of the study were variants. Therefore, the test results show that the J & J COVID-19 vaccine is effective. effective For these variants.

Now let’s explore the various strengths and weaknesses of the J & J COVID-19 vaccine.

The J & J COVID-19 vaccine is the third vaccine approved for emergency use in the United States. Unlike other approved COVID-19 vaccines, only one vaccination is required.

Clinical trial data show that the J & J COVID-19 vaccine is safe and effective in preventing mild to moderate and severe COVID-19. It has also been shown to be effective against viral variants.

Common side effects of vaccines are injection site reactions, fatigue and headaches. Severe side effects are extremely rare.

If you have any questions or concerns about vaccination with the J & J COVID-19 vaccine, be sure to consult your doctor.


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