Penn Launches Neurology Clinic for COVID-19 Long Howler
Penn Neuro COVID Clinic provides assessment, screening and referral of COVID-related neurological complications such as brain fog and dizziness.
Last week, the CDC reported that the number of new COVID-19 cases in the United States was the lowest in about a year.According to them COVID-19 Data TrackerThe average daily new cases for the current 7 days totaled 21,627, a decrease of 91% from this January peak.
Although vaccination rates continue to increase and infections are declining, some people who have recovered from COVID-19 are experiencing protracted health complications unrelated to the respiratory system. Increasing scientific evidence It shows that SARS-CoV-2, the disease and the virus that causes it, may have it. Long-term negative neurological effectsHowever, but not limited to, “brain fog” is characterized by short-term memory loss, loss of concentration, or temporary confusion in the process of completing a task. Can be done. And dizziness.
The Department of Neurology, University of Pennsylvania, to address and treat the neurological complications caused by COVID-19, Perelman School of Medicine Recently launched a clinic dedicated to COVID-19 long haul carriers. Penn Neuro COVID Clinic — This is Pen says Is the first clinic of its kind in the region to provide both diagnostic and functional tests to those who previously tested positive for COVID-19. To provide patients with comprehensive neurological care, the clinic’s four physicians have worked with Cognitive Neurology Sala Manning Peskin, Neurocritical Care Daniel Sandmark, Neurovirology and Immunology Dennis Corson, He specializes in several areas of this field, the neuroimaging Matthew Sindler.
Patients visiting the clinic for the first time can have a detailed neurological history (before and after COVID), physical examination, and bedside cognitive screening tests, according to Corson. Any physical neurological symptoms. According to him, doctors are trained to ask questions in a wide range of areas such as heart disease, gastrointestinal tract, lungs, neurology, mood and behavior to provide systemic health care to patients. Based on the findings at the time of visit, the clinic may recommend further testing by a pen specialist such as a physiotherapist, occupational therapist, or cognitive therapist.
Corson states that the clinic’s comprehensive goal is to effectively care for and treat long-distance COVID patients. “Basically, this clinic was established to answer the question,” How to diagnose and manage the neurological complications of viral infections. ” He says. “When we look at MRI, many of these long-distance patients have a” normal “brain, which makes it much more difficult to diagnose brain dysfunction as a result of COVID-19. This long-distance syndrome is new to everyone, and we do everything we can to evaluate and treat patients, especially if any of these symptoms are evidence of peripheral nerve damage. .. “
The clinic offers both face-to-face and virtual visits. There is no centralized location in the clinic, but patients who choose to meet will be seen somewhere. Perelman Advanced Medical Center, Penn Presbyterian Medical Center, Or Pen Memory Center Until the next reserved time.
Currently, they are accepting patient referrals from providers within Penn’s medical system. If you or your provider is not affiliated with Penn Pen Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation COVID Evaluation and Recovery Clinic To receive an evaluation inquiry, call must Provide evidence Have had COVID-19 before.
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