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Tennessee receives an additional $ 53 million to fight mental health and is exacerbated by a pandemic addiction crisis

Tennessee receives an additional $ 53 million to fight mental health and is exacerbated by a pandemic addiction crisis
Tennessee receives an additional $ 53 million to fight mental health and is exacerbated by a pandemic addiction crisis


Tennessee will receive more than $ 53 million in additional funding from the federal government to address the mental health and addiction treatment needs posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, state officials announced Thursday.

The funding is part of a $ 3 billion allocation to mental health services included in the recently signed US rescue program, with more than $ 27 million for mental health services and nearly $ 26 million for the treatment of substance use disorders. It will be added. Four years, according to a news release from the state.

This represents the latest state and federal dollar influx of Tennessee mental health and substance abuse services since the inception of the pandemic. According to the release, the ministry has already received $ 55 million in federal COVID-19 relief funds, and Governor Bill Lee and the Tennessee State Council have announced that they have increased the sector’s budget by more than $ 44.1 million next year.

(Read more: Hamilton County has seen a surge in overdose during the COVID-19 pandemic as leaders are concerned about the long-term effects on convalescent people)

“Our state is full of support for mental health and substance use needs, which gives us valuable opportunities to make a big difference and make a difference to the struggling Tennessee people. Mental brought about by stress. The Impact of Health and Substance Use. Pandemics are with us and these generous investments at both state and federal levels will allow us and our community’s behavioral health providers to continue to grow to meet their needs. “It will be,” said Marie Williams, Division Commissioner. “We are very grateful to our network of great providers throughout the state for responding to calls, responding with compassionate care, and helping those who recover find new lives.”

A spokeswoman, Matthew Pariot, said in an email that ministry officials have still decided on the latest funding methods, but said, “We expect a number of institutions serving the Chattanooga community to receive the distribution. I’m doing it. “

Authorities funded “expanding the availability of evidence-based treatment services, strengthening the state-wide network of crisis services, supporting the continued and expanded use of telemedicine services, and making children unique. It will be used to “meet various needs”.

A recent study by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that Tennessees self-reported symptoms of anxiety and depression at a rate of over 40% during the pandemic. Given year. “

This week, the American Medical Association outlined the issue of nationwide drug overdose during the COVID-19 pandemic and called for policy reforms to address the crisis.

In 2020, a record 160 Hamilton County residents were reported to have died from overdose and drug-related deaths. This is a 50% increase over the number of deaths from overdose in the previous year. According to preliminary data from Hamilton County Medical Office..

Many of the deaths are due to an ongoing opioid epidemic, but not in the early days when prescription drugs were the main cause, but now the crisis is fueled by the highly potent synthetic opioid fentanyl.

Contact Elizabeth Fight [email protected] Or follow her on Twitter @ecfite.


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