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South African women infected with HIV have been infected with Covid for at least 7 months

South African women infected with HIV have been infected with Covid for at least 7 months
South African women infected with HIV have been infected with Covid for at least 7 months


Researcher South Africa Recorded a case of an HIV-infected woman who had been infected with COVID-19 for several months and saw the virus mutate in her body.

A 36-year-old woman first became ill in September 2020 and has been positive for the disease for over 7 months.

In addition, the virus that remains in her body has undergone more than 30 genetic changes.

A team at the University of KwaZul Natal in Durban says the finding provides the first real evidence that untreated HIV patients may have weakened immunity. Coronavirus It takes root and mutates into a deadly variant that can spread to others.

A 36-year-old South African woman infected with uncontrolled HIV was infected with COVID-19 in September 2020 and was infected for 7 months.Photo: Retirees receiving first dose of Pfizer coronavirus vaccine in Johannesburg, South Africa, May 24

Six months after she became ill, two of the three medications she was taking to treat HIV were switched and her viral load was suppressed before she finally tested for COVID-19. Negative (above)

Currently the United Nations Estimate In South Africa, 7.5 million adults and children are infected with the HIV (immunodeficiency virus).

When a person is infected with HIV, the virus can attack and destroy the immune cells that normally protect the body from infection, causing potentially fatal AIDS.

In South Africa, HIV infection is often undetected, and it is believed that nearly 10% of people are unaware that they are infected with the virus.

by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention According to the (CDC), HIV patients receiving effective treatment are not considered to be at increased risk of contact with the virus or experiencing more serious complications.

However, the survey results posted on the preprint site are, The first evidence to suggest that people infected with HIV can mutate the virus multiple times in the body.

A South African patient was diagnosed with HIV in 2006, but doctors traditionally had no control over her viral load. Antiretroviral therapy.

A combination of known drugs or a “cocktail” suppresses a person’s viral load until it becomes virtually undetectable. That is, the virus is not transmitted.

In addition, female CD4 + T cells have very low levels, helping the body produce antibodies and help CD8 + T cells kill coronavirus-infected cells.

The woman visited the hospital in September 2020 after 12 days of symptoms such as coughing, sore throat, and dyspnea.

She tested positive for COVID-19, was given oxygen, and was discharged 9 days later.

However, the test continued to be positive after discharge, lasting 216 days.

Researchers have found that the virus undergoes 32 genetic alterations, 13 of which are associated with peplomers, which invade cells and infect them.

Researchers have found that the virus has mutated 32 times in the body (above). This includes 13 changes in the peaplomer that the virus used to invade and infect cells.

Other mutations were similar to those found in variants containing the alpha variant (from the UK) and the beta variant (from South Africa).

During this period, the woman was one of the 300 participants in the study who was finally able to cure the infection and investigated the effects of HIV on the new coronavirus infection.

Six months after her study, two of her “cocktails” were changed and the viral load was suppressed within two weeks.

Finally, on the 233rd day after the first test was positive, she was finally negative.

It is premature to determine if the woman is a peculiar case, but if not, it could mean that uncontrolled HIV patients can spread potentially fatal mutations. there is.

“It could be a factory for mutants around the world,” said Dr. Trio de Oliviera, a geneticist and lead author at the University of KwaZulu-Natal. Los Angeles Times..

He added that he is expanding the testing and treatment of HIV. “It will reduce HIV mortality, reduce HIV transmission, and reduce the likelihood of creating new COVID variants that can cause another wave of infection.”

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