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Now that we are returning to our daily lives, how should we greet each other?

Now that we are returning to our daily lives, how should we greet each other?


This summer we’re regaining a lot of what we called “ordinary,” such as greeting long-lost friends and unmasked strangers. For many of us, it’s long. It’s been a long-awaited thing. But for those who are still anxious about socializing after more than a year of isolation, the greeting ritual is tense. Fist bumps? Awkward little waves? A year ago, medical professionals apparently declared the handshake event was over. But that was when most people knew little about the new coronavirus and didn’t even see the vaccine, so now that the pandemic is receding in some parts of the world, try shaking hands again. Is it time? There is no clear right or wrong answer to what has caused confusion over the last 15 months. But since we’ve learned so much about viruses since the world was first blocked, it may be time to rethink this question. Why do we shake hands in the first place? ? It has been around for thousands of years. In his epic “Odyssey,” written around 800 BC, Homer mentions holding hands and greeting each other. Holding a weapon. Another explanation is that the handshake was a symbol of integrity when making a promise. Today, it is common to politely introduce yourself to someone with a handshake, at least until the pandemic, but the world. Now that is resuming, some people consider the handshake to be part of a return to normal. However, some Germafobs and others didn’t like this habit from the beginning because they were afraid of getting the flu and other viruses, says Kyle Woods, 56, who lives in Atlanta. When last year’s pandemic finished shaking hands and kissing cheeks, people around the world tried alternatives such as hitting their fists or hitting their elbows to greet them. Falkasovsky said he had no problem shaking hands before the pandemic, but instead chose to greet strangers. She told CNN that she carefully hit her fists and elbows. But he said the option felt ridiculous. “I wasn’t really excited to hit my fist unless I really knew the person.” Shaking hands was recommended a year ago. We didn’t, but there is more data on how COVID-19 spreads. Early in the pandemic, medical professionals said that coronavirus survives up to 3 days on plastic and stainless steel. Researchers said it could be, so they urged Americans to wipe the surface, which is good and bad news for handshakes, one expert said. William Schaffner, an infectious disease expert and professor at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, says vaccinated people will shake hands without hesitation. But when he meets someone without knowing the status of vaccination, he does not shake hands. But it is not due to physical contact. “The real risk of shaking hands is very close to others. I think, “said Schaffner. “If you’re shaking hands, you’re usually very intimate with someone, at least temporarily, and you can be intimate with that person in a conversation for a period of time.” Say hello to a stranger. It is more likely that your stress will be reduced. As more people are vaccinated, Schaffner says better hand hygiene can reduce the risk of prolongation, and for those who are not good at reaching out in greetings, it is always There’s an elbow bump. “I don’t think it’s good for our society or the spirit of the people. I think hugs and handshakes are important,” he says. “But that’s just me. I respect people who feel different. If anyone wants an elbow bump, I give them a hilarious elbow bump.”

This summer we are regaining much of what we used to call. “normalIncludes greetings to friends and unmasked strangers who have been missing for a long time.

For many of us, that’s been a long-awaited thing. However, for those who are still uneasy about socializing after more than a year of isolation, the greeting ritual can be tense.

Are you going to shake hands? Fist bump? Awkward little waves?

A year ago, medical professionals apparently declared that the handshake event was over. But that was when most people knew little about the new coronavirus and didn’t even see the vaccine.

Now that the pandemic is retreating in some parts of the world, is it time to shake hands again?

Like many of the confusing questions in the last 15 months, there are no clear correct or incorrect answers. But since the world was first blocked, we have learned a lot about viruses.

Why do you shake hands in the first place?

It’s not clear exactly how the handshake practice began, but it has been done for thousands of years. In his epic, “OdysseyAround 800 BC, when it was written, Homer mentions that people are holding hands when greeting each other.

According to one famous theory historyReaching out in the sky shows that you are coming in peace and have no weapons. Another explanation is that when making a promise, the handshake was a symbol of honesty.

Today, it is common to introduce yourself politely by shaking hands. At least until the pandemic.

Now that the world has resumed, some consider it part of returning a handshake to normal. However, some Germafobs and others did not like this habit in the first place, fearing that they would be infected with the flu and other viruses.

Kyle Woods, 56, who lives in Atlanta, said, “I think handshakes are very important to our socialization, and in fact, human interaction is very important.” Reasonable attention is practiced. I think it should be, but respect those who are more afraid. “

When the pandemic ended last year, people all over the world shook hands and kissed their cheeks. Alternative proposal Fist fist etc. Elbow ridge Say hello to each other.

But not everyone liked the habit.

Babs Falkasovsky of Dublin, Ohio told CNN that she had no problem shaking hands before the pandemic, but instead chose to greet strangers. She told CNN that she had a fist. He said he was wary of elbow bumps, but the alternative seemed ridiculous to her.

“I wasn’t really excited to be hit by a fist unless I really knew him,” she says.

What science says

Shaking hands was not recommended a year ago, but there is more data on how COVID-19 spreads. Early in the pandemic, researchers said that the coronavirus could survive on plastic and stainless steel, so health experts urged Americans to wipe the surface. Up to 3 days..

As a result of further research The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention now states that ingestion of air droplets is one of the main routes of spread of the virus.

According to one expert, this is good and bad news for a handshake.

Dr. William Schaffner, an infectious disease expert and professor at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, says vaccinated people will shake hands without hesitation. However, if he meets someone without knowing the status of vaccination, he will not wave.

But it’s not due to physical contact.

“I think the real risk of shaking hands is very close to others,” says Schaffner. “If you’re shaking hands, you’re usually very close to someone, at least momentarily, and you may be close to that person who’s been having a conversation for a period of time.”

Increasing vaccinations are likely to reduce the stress of greeting strangers, but Schaffner says proper hand hygiene can help reduce the risk of prolonged life.

And for those who aren’t good at reaching out for greetings, there’s always an elbow bump. Some people like Woods don’t think it’s a good long-term option.

“I don’t think it’s good for our society or the spirit of the people. I think hugs and handshakes are important,” he says. “But that’s just me. I respect people who feel different. If anyone wants an elbow bump, I give them a hilarious elbow bump.”


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