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Fauci briefed the World Health Organization leader last year about the possibility of a new coronavirus infection, said former FDA Secretary.

Fauci briefed the World Health Organization leader last year about the possibility of a new coronavirus infection, said former FDA Secretary.


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Former Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Secretary Scott Gottlieb said on Sunday that the virus was studied in Wuhan last spring, in opposition to Republican criticism that Dr. Anthony Fauci initially downplayed questions about the origin of Covid-19. He said he explained to world leaders that he might have come from the place. ..

Important facts

Gottlieb, who headed the FDA from 2017 to 2019 under former President Donald Trump, was informed about the briefing by a senior Trump official when he appeared on CBS’s “Face the Nation,” and then “the conversation.” Reconfirmed “

“I heard in the spring that Dr. Fauci attended a meeting with European world health leaders around the World Health Assembly,” Gottlieb said.

At the meeting, Fauci explained to global health leaders the information the US authorities are considering.

Gottlieb explained that the debate began to subside as a detailed analysis “dispelled some of the suspicions.”

Main background

Sunday’s revelations from Gottlieb follow an attack from a Republican who seized a pile of newly released Fauci emails last year to accuse Fauci of rejecting Lab’s leak theory. In the email, it was published later Washington Post And Buzzfeed news Fauci got his email through a FOIA request Thank you Zoologist and Controversial Peter Daszak, a non-profit virus research organization, praised the public denial of Labrique theory. Fauci then defended the email and said his stance “always”. He hasn’t changed and still believes that “the most likely origin is from animal species to humans,” but said he intends to remain “open-minded.” About the possibility of lab leak.

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Important quote

“I don’t think there was anything special about those emails,” Gottlieb said. “I think there was certainly nothing [Fauci] It was a malicious statement and nothing new. ”


Gottlieb previously advocated a deeper investigation into the origin of Covid-19. Suggest “This kind of leak is happening all the time,” so it’s likely that the virus came from a Chinese laboratory.


“It’s nonsense”: Fauci responds to Republican opposition to his email about the origin of Covid. (Forbes)

“‘Leaks are always happening’: Former FDA Secretary states that Covid may have occurred at the Wuhan Institute.” (Forbes)


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