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What’s new in COVID-19, Illinois: IL reports 342 cases and 37 deaths


Chicago (WLS)-Illinois public health officials said on Sunday that 342 newly identified cases of COVID-19 and it, as the state moves towards a full reopening this week. Reported 37 related deaths.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, there have been a total of 1,385,245 COVID cases, including 22,949 deaths in the state.

Within the last 24 hours of the pandemic, the institute reports that it has tested 38,386 samples, for a total of 24,886,002 samples.

The positive rate for state-wide preliminary tests for the seven days from May 30 to June 5 is 1.4%.

As of Saturday night, 792 patients in Illinois were reported hospitalized with COVID-19. Of these, 212 patients were in the ICU and 117 COVID-19 patients were on mechanical ventilation.

As of Saturday night, Illinois has received a total of 11,531,838 vaccines. The 7-day moving average of daily vaccines is 37,455. Illinois reported 48,500 doses on Saturday.

Watch: Dr. Alwadi details Chicago’s new COVID vaccine outreach program

Authorities reported on Sunday that more than 68% of adults were vaccinated against COVID and more than 51% were fully vaccinated.

Illinois Phase 5 Guidelines Announced

Governor JB Pritzker released guidelines on Friday, outlining Phase 5 of the Illinois Recovery Plan, which will come into force next Friday.

The latest stage shows the complete resumption of all businesses and activities throughout the state since the pandemic began.

Related: Chicago Reopening: Mayor Lightfoot says the city will move to Phase 5 with the rest of Illinois

Under the new guidance, businesses, large-scale events, conventions, amusement parks, seated bleachers, etc. will be fully operational.
Deregulation is eagerly awaited as temperatures soar and people are trying to regain summer fun.

Phase 5 Guidance:

  • If you are vaccinated: Fully vaccinated individuals can resume activity without wearing a mask, except as required by federal, state, local, tribal, and territorial laws, regulations, and regulations. This includes guidance for local businesses and workplaces.
  • Not vaccinated: The state continues to encourage unvaccinated people to wear masks and requires masks for anyone traveling on public transport, meeting places, medical facilities, schools, nurseries and educational institutions.
  • All sectors of the economy can resume normal capacity.
  • Traditional conventions, festivals and large events can be resumed with no capacity restrictions.
  • Large gatherings such as weddings may also be resumed. Phase 5 removes the requirement for companies to impose social distances at their seats, as well as daily employee and visitor health checks. However, according to the governor, businesses and venues need to be socially distant, especially indoors, wherever possible. They may also continue to implement additional public health mitigations that they consider appropriate, such as requiring them to cover their faces.
  • (1) Face covers are still recommended for airplanes, buses, trains and other public transport hubs, as well as transportation hubs such as airports, trains and bus stops. (2) Collective facilities such as correctional facilities, veterans’ homes, long-term care facilities, group homes, and residential facilities. (3) At the medical site.
  • Deaths reported on Sunday include:
    –Champaign County: 1 male in his 60s, 1 male in his 90s
    –Cook County: 1 male in 40s, 1 female in 50s, 1 male in 50s, 1 female in 60s, 1 male in 60s, 4 females in 70s, 1 male in 70s, 1 female in 80s Name
    –DeKalb County: 1 woman in her 50s
    –DuPage County: 1 male in his 50s, 1 female in his 60s, 2 males in his 70s
    –Jackson County: 1 woman in her 70s
    –Kane County: 1 male in his 80s

    –Kankakee County: 1 male in his 90s
    –Kendall County: 1 male in his 70s
    –Lake County: 1 female in her 50s, 1 male in her 60s, 1 female in her 90s
    –Macon County: 1 male in his 70s
    –Macoupin County: 1 male in his 80s
    –Madison County: 1 male in his 60s
    –McLean County: 1 woman in her 70s
    ・ Peoria County: 1 woman in her 20s
    Rock Island County: 1 female in her 70s, 1 male in her 70s
    –Salen County: 1 man in his 60s
    –St. Clair County: 1 man in his 80s
    –Winnebago County: 1 female in her 50s, 1 male in her 70s
    –Woodford County: 1 man in his 40s

    Copyright © 2021 WLS-TV. All copyrights owned.


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