Why parents need to be aware of MIS-C symptoms in Covid-positive children
A year after the coronavirus pandemic disrupted our collective life, our society is wrestling with fear and anxiety. As a result, false information spread like wildfires, and many relied on strange and wrong ways to deal with the virus. Published every Sunday, this column aims to help readers answer questions related to health and vaccines. Coronavirus Pandemic.
In this week’s column, Dr. Narendra Kumar Arora, a pediatric gastroenterologist and senior member of the National Covid-19 Task Force, answered the question. Dr. Arora answers questions about how COVID-19 and its vaccines affect children.
Which vaccine is safe for children to receive?
After systematic testing, only vaccines approved by drug regulators will be given to children. There are several vaccines worldwide, systematic trials in children are being conducted, and their data are available for both immune response and safety. In India, the Bharat Biotech vaccine is in clinical trials in children aged 2 to 18 years, with results expected within a few months. There is another Indian vaccine with the DNA vaccine Cadila-Zydus. It is also valued for children between the ages of 12 and 18. In addition, vaccines manufactured by international manufacturers (such as Pfizer and Modana) can be given to vaccinate children between the ages of 12 and 18.
What side effects can vaccines have on children?
The purpose of conducting clinical trials in children is to seek safety and its protective effect. In general, the side effects of children are similar to those seen in adults. Therefore, after vaccination, the child may be a little sick and may experience local pain and mild fever for a day or two. Although no abnormally serious side effects are expected in children, side effects are closely monitored by a national AEFI monitoring system that monitors post-vaccination side effects for all age groups.
What are the characteristics faced by a child infected with the virus? How do these infections differ from adult COVID infections and illnesses?
Most often, children remain asymptomatic or develop mild illnesses that prescribe symptomatic treatments such as parasetamol for fever, oral rehydration solution for diarrhea, and cough syrup for cough and depression. In some cases, moderate to severe symptoms may occur, such as high fever, shortness of breath, and difficulty breathing, but treatment is the same as for adults.
In rare cases, a rare multiple organ dysfunction syndrome may occur 2 to 6 weeks after onset and requires prompt hospitalization. Signs and symptoms of pediatric multisystem inflammatory syndrome (MIS-C) include the following (not all children have the same symptoms): Vomiting and diarrhea; stomach pain; skin rash; rapid breathing; red eyes; swelling of lips and tongue; excessive cry, crying, drowsiness, excessive drowsiness. The first infected child may be asymptomatic, but symptoms begin to reappear 2 to 6 weeks after the initial recovery.
Children cannot express or manage themselves. How can parents take care of covid’s children?
We have most often seen both children and parents infected together. However, if the child is infected and the parent is not infected, the adult caring for the child should take great care. Caregivers should wear masks, face shields and PPE while caring for their child. Caregivers also need to isolate themselves from other family members.
Parents should be aware of the following symptoms that indicate the severity of their child’s illness: First, if the child has a persistent high fever 5 to 6 days after the onset of symptoms. Second, fast breathing, difficult or noisy breathing; shortness of breath, or if the child is crying excessively. Severe diarrhea (dehydration) with loss of water and electrolytes.
Rarely, as explained above, a child may develop fever with other symptoms such as drowsiness, skin rash, dyspnea, or cramps 2 to 6 weeks after the onset of symptoms. In these cases, the child should be hospitalized immediately as multiple organs may be involved.
What steps should the government take to prepare for a third wave that could affect children?
Children under the age of one are at increased risk of becoming severe because the immune system is not fully formed in the first year. Such children may require ICU care with mechanical ventilation support. Similarly, older children with moderate to severe illness need to be cared for in a hospital. Therefore, special facilities are needed for parents to stay with Covid-positive children, especially children under the age of 10. Intensive care units should also be set up at these facilities.
In addition, because of the high likelihood of preterm birth of the child, it may be necessary to come up with more facilities to care for Covid-19-positive pregnant women. For such children, a neonatal intensive care unit is available. Is required. Therefore, it is necessary to add facilities for children to the existing Covid Care Center and to set up new facilities. Some state governments have already begun to increase treatment facilities for new coronavirus infections accordingly.
The second wave of Covid-19 was more serious than the first wave. Can I have more waves? What is the most effective way to control the pandemic epidemic?
A virus epidemic infects the most vulnerable populations in the area. People infected with it also produce some antibodies that protect them from infection for some time, but from severe infections for a very long time. The second wave is infected by most of our population and most are asymptomatic.
There will be a pandemic wave in the future, but it is difficult to predict when. Severity depends on how you are preparing now. The second wave was primarily caused by delta and alpha variants of the COVID 19 virus. India had nearly 75% of the antibody-free population in January 2021, or vulnerable populations, in addition to leaving Corona’s proper behavior and large social gatherings. I was self-satisfied.
In preparation for the next wave, the country has established a good epidemiological and genomic surveillance system to identify potential dangerous variants early and take immediate steps to control the spread of these variants. I am.
Also, as a member of society, everyone must take actions that are appropriate for Corona as a lifestyle. Finally, the country plans to provide enough vaccines to all in the coming weeks. This will be an important weapon for fighting pandemics. The country has the infrastructure to deliver vaccines everywhere in the country. Once the vaccine is available, all citizens will need to come forward and get the vaccine. This is the most powerful weapon in addressing the challenges that future waves pose to us.
Read it all the latest news, Breaking news And Coronavirus news Here
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