Expert Description: Covid-19 and your kids
I keep hearing the third wave of. COVID-19, And the children are in the most vulnerable position. Is it a real horror?
As Singapore has already reported, some experts warn that the third wave is likely to affect more children. Immunization after infection or by vaccination I can. More adults are infected with both the first and second waves. Vaccination is approved for use in adults. The absolute number of children affected by the second wave seems to be higher than that of the first wave. This is probably because the overall number will increase and the whole family will be affected.
Are there new variants that are more dangerous to children than adults?
New mutations, especially B.1.167 variantIt has been reported to affect younger children in several countries, such as Singapore. However, it is not officially confirmed at this time how many children are affected by the new variant in Singapore.
The B.1.1.7 strain is 60% more deadly than the original strain. Due to the high immunity of children, it is believed that they will not be severely affected by the attack of this mutant virus.
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In general, are children at a lower risk of being infected with Covid-19 than adults? And which age group is more vulnerable among children?
Children are affected in the same way as adults. However, children infected with Covid-19 are usually asymptomatic or less severe. This may be due to reduced expression of certain receptors that the virus binds to and invades the host and its immune system.
A U-shaped curve of severity is shown in infants and adolescents <1 year of age (10-14 years) who are at high risk of developing severe Covid. Infants may be severely ill. Older children can develop MIS-C (Pediatric Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome) 2 to 6 weeks after asymptomatic or symptomatic Covid-19 infection.
Are children’s symptoms different from adults’ symptoms?
The most common symptoms are fever (63%) and cough (34%), followed by nausea or vomiting (20%) and diarrhea (20%).
As in adults, the most common clinical symptoms are fever and cough. However, the frequency is much lower in children (60-100% in adults versus 40-60% in children). Most children have mild to moderate illness, and only 4% have severe illness. On the other hand, symptoms such as shortness of breath, low oxygen levels, and sputum production are more common in adults. Like adults, gastrointestinal symptoms (diarrhea, vomiting) are common in children and are sometimes the only symptom of Covid-19 in children. Overall, respiratory and gastrointestinal symptoms are the main symptoms in children as well as adults.
Adults are also more likely to suffer from potential comorbidities and are more susceptible to serious coronavirus infections. The US CDC estimates that Covid-19 hospitalization rates were 80 times higher in adults aged 85 and older than in children aged 5 to 17.
What should people do if their child is suspected of exhibiting Covid-19 symptoms?
Children who are suspected of having Covid-19 recorded and have mild symptoms such as fever, cough, and sore throat are usually at home unless they have an underlying condition such as asthma, heart disease, diabetes, muscular dystrophy, or refractory epilepsy. Must be managed by. These can increase the risk of serious illness. Home management focuses on prevention of transmission to others (ie isolation), monitoring of clinical deterioration, and supportive care. Treatment for mild cases is symptomatic treatment.
Children at home need to monitor the development of a serious new coronavirus infection. Symptoms include:
* Dyspnea, growl, inability to breastfeed
* Chest pain and tightness (young people)
* Bluish discoloration of lips and face
* Cold, sticky, mottled skin, significant reduction in urine output
* New confusion; difficulty of awakening
You also need regular communication with your doctor.
* Isolation period: For symptomatic patients: Asymptomatic 10 days after onset for at least 3 more days. 10 days after positive test if asymptomatic.
If my child is infected with Coronavirus disease, my parents are vaccinated, and my parents are not vaccinated, does my child need to be quarantined?
If the child is positive and the parents are negative, the parents can continue to take care of the child. However, while caring for the child, parents need to:
* Use a suitable mask.
* Wear PPE with gloves.
* Avoid leaving your child with your grandparents.
Family should not rush backPandemic Even if your parents are completely vaccinated, you will not lose your life.
Can Pregnant Women Infect the Fetal with SARS-CoV-2?
At this time, there is not enough evidence to determine whether the virus is transmitted from the mother to the baby during pregnancy, or the potential effects this may have on the baby. This is currently under investigation.
Pregnant women should continue to follow appropriate precautions and seek medical attention early if they have symptoms such as fever, cough or dyspnea.
Parents with very small children cannot leave them if infected with the virus, but what should they do?
If you are infected with Covid-19, you cannot hug or touch your child without risking it. Younger children may find it very difficult to adjust this. Even if you share the same space, you can think of creative communication methods to create a lively atmosphere. If you’re using a device that isn’t shared, you can probably talk on the phone (if you’re using a device your child isn’t using), make a video call, or email each other. Ask family and friends to talk on the phone on a regular basis.
According to the CDC, anyone over the age of 2 at home can remove the mask on their own, and anyone with breathing problems should wear a mask whenever they have a Covid-19 patient at home. The surface should be disinfected frequently. You should keep a distance of at least 6 feet between you and your child.
Is it safe for Covid-positive mothers to breastfeed?
At this time, there are insufficient data to conclude the transmission of Covid-19 by breastfeeding. For infants, the risk of infection is low and the infection is usually mild or asymptomatic, but non-breastfeeding or separation of the mother and child can have serious consequences. At this time, Covid-19 in babies and children appears to have a much lower threat to survival and health than other infectious diseases protected by breastfeeding.
Based on the available evidence, WHO’s recommendations for starting and continuing breastfeeding for infants also apply to mothers with suspected or confirmed Covid-19.
What should parents do (or shouldn’t) to ensure the mental health of their children now that the school is closed?
Psychological problems such as anxiety, depression, irritability, mood swings, inattention, and sleep disorders during pandemics are fairly common among isolated children (10 in 22,996 children / adolescents). According to a recent meta-analysis of 15 studies in the country, 79.4%). Some studies. Children with existing behavioral problems such as autism and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder are more likely to exacerbate their behavioral symptoms.
Parents and toddlers
* Parents should take the time to give their younger children clear, positive attention and peace of mind.
* You should provide your children with fact-based information about Covid-19 using presentations and video material provided by accreditation bodies such as WHO and UNICEF, or government resources customized for children.
* Children’s exposure to news should be limited and factual content should be.
* You have ample opportunity to play, read, rest, and participate in physical activity, and your child should strive to follow a consistent routine.
Parents and adolescents
* This is the perfect time for parents to model their most important life skills, such as coping with stress, coping with emotions, and solving children’s problems.
* Adolescents are expected to have better knowledge of Covid 19 compared to younger children. Therefore, communication must be more open and non-directive.
* This is an opportunity for older children to learn responsibility, involvement and cooperation. You can learn skills such as cooking, money management, first aid, room arrangement, and contribution to household chores.
* Excessive use of the Internet associated with Covid-19 can lead to anxiety and should be avoided. Similarly, be careful of excessive and irresponsible use of social media and internet games.
* Engaging in creative pursuits of art, music, dance and more can help you manage your mental health.
* Puberty is a stage of enthusiasm and risk-taking, so some people avoid following the guidelines. This must be tackled decisively.
* Parents are advised to be aware of their own mental health needs.
Can Covid-19 cause developmental delay in children?
A meta-analysis of 9,335 children (0-19 years) in 31 countries where SARS-CoV-2 was recorded found neurological symptoms in 12% of children. This is common to anyone developing MIS-C. Only 2% of children developed life-threatening neurological involvement such as severe encephalopathy, stroke, and neuroinfectious disease.
Special factors include increased risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection, restricted access to medical facilities, limited ability to implement precautionary measures, and increased need for rehabilitation due to school interruptions. The struggles faced by children in need of help are diverse.
Concerns about these children and their caregivers should be resolved by appropriate solutions to achieve a comprehensive medical response to the global pandemic. Children with chronic neurodevelopmental disorders are a vulnerable population in this regard.
Do parents need to delay other vaccines for children suffering from Covid-19 or having just recovered from Covid-19?
Routine immunization can be continued for 2 weeks after the child becomes asymptomatic (of Covid infection). If a high-dose drug, such as a high-dose steroid, that suppresses a patient’s immune component is needed, vaccination should be postponed for 3 months after the drug is stopped.
What should parents do to protect babies and small children who cannot wear masks?
The Indian Academy of Pediatrics recommends that all children over the age of 2 should wear a mask. If you use a face shield, you need to cover the entire face, wrap the sides of the face, and extend it under the chin. Be careful while wearing to avoid injuries that can damage your eyes and face.
Never use a mask for children under the age of two. Avoid unnecessary public contact. Keep yourself, your baby, your siblings at least 6 feet away from others. If you can’t leave your baby at home and have to go out, shorten your outing.
* If you need to take your baby to public, cover your baby carrier (not your baby) with a blanket.
* Never leave your child alone.
* Keep your hands clean. Remember to wash your hands (and your siblings’ hands) as soon as you get home.
* Clean frequently touched household surfaces with a disinfectant wipe or spray several times daily.
* Teach older children not to touch their faces.
With 20 years of experience as an AIIMS Pediatrics faculty member, Dr. Shefari Grati specializes in pediatric neurology and neurodevelopmental disorders. She has more than 200 publications in international magazines. He was a member of the ICMR Task Force. He also serves as an expert in the development of national epilepsy control programs.
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