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International Tourette’s Awareness Day: 7 things you should never say to a sick person


Living with Tourette’s diagnosis is difficult enough without the misunderstood and useless phrases that people often say in their daily lives.

Tourette’s disorder (the state of the nervous system that causes “tics”) is a topic that many feel can comment on, although not many problems are as sensitive as human health.

You may not intend to hurt or desensitize the conversation, but keep in mind that words can have a big impact and careless phrases can take hold. The most common things to avoid are:

1. Does not appear to have Tourette’s disorder

Tourette’s disorder affects the brain and nerves, causing completely involuntary movements and sounds. This is also called a motor tic or a vocal tic.

Tics can be worse than on other days, and stress can play an important role in their intensity. You may find people with Tourette’s syndrome when the tics aren’t appearing, but that doesn’t mean they’re lying to you, nor is it less affected by the condition.

2. Don’t swear?

The most common myth about Tourette’s disorder is that people in this state always speak obscene words in public.

In reality, most people in this state do not overuse vulgar language. Tics come in many forms, but coprolalia (involuntary) is just one of the many types that affect people.

3. Everything is in your heart

It’s difficult to control tics. Tourette’s syndrome exercise and vocal tics are not conscious decisions. In other words, people can’t control just by focusing.

4. Stop getting attention

The exact cause of a tic is not yet known, but many compare the sensation of a tic to itching or sneezing. It’s really hard to stop it in the middle.

In reality, people with Tourette’s syndrome are more likely to do something to get rid of tic disorder, so getting frustrated with Tourette’s syndrome can only make you more upset, hurt, and embarrassed.

5. It will be difficult to date

Man People with Tourette’s Syndrome just want to be treated like everyone else. While it is true that some people experience lifelong difficulties due to their symptoms, many are successful in their work, relationships and family life.

People with Tourette’s Syndrome don’t want sympathy, they just want others to better understand their illness and not feel different from themselves. Pointing out that a tic is abnormal only gives the other person a sense of alienation.

6. Sometimes I think I have Tourette’s syndrome

Blurring forgotten items on your shopping list or randomly fluttering your eyes on the screen for long periods of time is not the same as Tourette’s syndrome.

This is a lifelong condition that is difficult to manage and can withstand sometimes catastrophic conditions. You may be trying to downplay the situation, but joking about Tourette’s Syndrome may seem offensive, of course.

7. I’m sure I can overcome tic disorder

There is no cure for Tourette’s syndrome, and behavioral therapy helps reduce tics, but there is no wellness factor, exercise method, or positive thinking mantra that can eliminate it.

Tourette’s Syndrome can be strange to those who don’t know it or don’t understand it, so it’s okay if you don’t have all the answers right away. As with any obstacle, it is important not to ignore it. If you know people with Tourette’s disability, listen to their experiences and learn from them.

What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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