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In the UK, dating apps boost vaccine promotion


London-A popular dating app launched a campaign on Monday, urging UK users to post “I got my shot” on their profile, reaching young adults in the UK.

In collaboration with the government, apps such as Tinder, Bumble, and Hinge are offering special stickers, badges, and bonuses to users who claim they have been infected with the new coronavirus, the Ministry of Health said.

Health Minister Matt Hancock confirmed on Sunday that this was due to the UK rollout reaching the age of 30.

“We are excited to partner with dating apps to promote the spread of vaccines across the country,” said Vaccine Minister Nadhim Zahawi.

The United States launched a similar initiative in May, working with apps such as Tinder, OkCupid, and Plenty of Fish.

Credits, bonuses

In the UK, users of dating apps can show support for vaccination in their profile in exchange for free credits, or offer in-app bonuses to those who say they are vaccinated.

Plenty of Fish users can post the badge “I got a shot” and OkCupid users can add the badge “I was vaccinated”.

The app also promotes the UK Government’s “All Vaccinations Give Us Hope” campaign.

The Department of Health even suggested that telling users when they might be vaccinated could increase their chances of romance.

A May YouGov poll found that 28% of adults did not associate with unvaccinated people and 31% did not want it.


Despite turning to dating sites for help, the British government has not officially granted permission for casual dates during a pandemic. The advice to England is that people meet friends and family. Sometimes it means that you should be “cautious” without social distance.

To date, more than 27 million people in the UK have been vaccinated with both vaccines, and more than 40 million have been vaccinated once.

Patients under the age of 40 have a slightly higher risk of blood clots, so an alternative vaccine to the Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine is offered.


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