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Vegetarian, Pescetarian Diet Reveals New Studies Helping Reduce The Risk of Developing Serious COVID-19 by Up to 73%


A recent new study found that eating a vegetarian or pescetarian diet reduced the risk of developing a severe COVID-19 infection compared to meat eaters.

Ah Email online The report found that plant-based vegetarians reduced the risk of moderate to severe viral infections by up to 73%, and fish-based pescetarian diets reduced the risk by 59%.

Previous studies have shown an association between diet and the severity and duration of COVID-19 infection, but the research team wanted to investigate in more detail.

Based on a study of more than 2,800 front-line doctors and nurses exposed to the virus last July-September, a team at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg Public Health School in Baltimore, Maryland, found diet and COVID- 19 studied the risk of infection.

The study “Plant-based diet, pescetarian diet, and severity of COVID-19: population-based case-control study in 6 countries” BMJ Nutrition Prevention and Health journal.

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Science Times-Vegetarian and Pescetarian Diets Help Reduce Risk of Developing Serious COVID-19 by Up to 73%, New Studies Reveal

(Photo: Stenholtz on AIX)
The new study examined three diets: a plant-based diet rich in vegetables rather than meat, pescatariani rich in vegetables and fish, a low-carbohydrate, and high-protein diet.

Significant association between meat avoidance and COVID-19 severity

Researchers examined the diet, medical background, or medical history and outbreak of COVID-19 in study participants. We have found a surprising link between avoiding meat and reducing the risk of COVID infection.

The study was a “self-reported observational study,” and researchers could not assert that avoiding meat was the reason for the reduced risk of infection. However, they suspected that it was due to an increase in the intake of vitamins, nutrients and minerals contained in it. Plant-derived Diet is essential for a healthy immune system.

Participants who participated in the study faced widespread exposure to SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19 infection.

They are active in various countries such as Germany, Spain, Italy, France, the United Kingdom and the United States and were part of a market research network called Survey Healthcare Globus.

The authors of the study used the network to identify liners in the medical setting, including nurses and doctors who are at high risk of becoming infected with COVID-19 as a result of their work.

The survey collected information about participants’ personal backgrounds, medical history, drug use, and lifestyle.

Three diets investigated

Researchers investigated three diets, including a plant-based diet that is richer in vegetables than meat, and pescatarians. WebMD The website was rich in vegetables and fish, and had a low-carbohydrate, high-protein diet.

Of the participants who participated in the survey, 568 COVID-19 (New Coronavirus Infection) Despite a positive virus test, he was symptomatic or asymptomatic. Another group of 2,316 people said they had no symptoms or had a negative swab test.

Of the 568 cases, 138 clinicians reported experiencing moderate to severe COVID-19 infection, and the remaining 430 reported experiencing very mild to mild symptoms.

Researchers then took into account various variables such as age, discipline, ethnicity, lifestyle factors, physical activity and smoking levels.

Researchers found that among those who participated in the study, those who ate a plant-based or fish-based diet were significantly less likely to be infected with COVID than those who ate meat.

By comparison, people on a low-carbohydrate, high-protein diet were four times more likely to develop moderate to severe COVID-19 infections than vegetarians and plant eaters.

This means that eating a plant-based vegetarian diet increases the chances of avoiding severe cases of COVID-19 in the event of infection.

Observational study

This association also applies when taking into account the medical conditions that coexist with body weight. However, no association was observed between any diet type and the risk of developing COVID-19 infection or the duration of COVID-19 disease.

Researchers pointed out that there are some problems with the study, including more men than women, and the results may not apply to women.

This study is an observational study, the cause cannot be identified, only the correlation is shown. It relied on individual recollections rather than objective analysis. Researchers pointed out that the definition of a particular dietary pattern may vary from country to country.

Researchers suggest that a healthy diet high in nutritious foods may be thought to enhance protection from serious COVID-19 infections.

Nonetheless, the team said a high-quality diet is essential for boosting a proper immune response, which in turn can affect vulnerability to COVID-19 infection.

Related information can be found in the Study IQ Education YouTube video below.

Related article: Hummus Overdose: Is It Safe to Eat Lots of This Healthy Snack?

Check out other news and information about diet And COVID-19 (New Coronavirus Infection) At the Science Times.


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