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Covid-19 tests are falling below the 100,000 goal per day minister world news


Ministers faced ongoing criticism of coronavirus testing, with the number of daily tests falling below 80,000, so nursing home staff reported it was difficult to get checked, and home kits Delivered without envelopes.

On Friday, the Secretary of Health said Matt HancockAnnounced that it had reached 100,000 tests per day by the end of April, the government’s goal, and had over 122,000 tests performed at the end of the month, but it seems that the third test has not been performed. .

Since then, the number of tests per day has fallen by more than 40,000, with 76,496 delivered in 24 hours until 9am Sunday.

NHS According to Dr. Steven Powys, Director of the National Medical Office in England, “Testing capacity has grown rapidly over the past week or so, and now we have over 100,000 very high levels of testing going on. It’s a bit down. On the weekends, We expect the capacity to continue to increase. “

Earlier, Transport Director Grant Shaps admitted that more lives could be saved if Britain had previously been able to carry out extensive testing.

In an interview with BBC One’s Andrew Marshaw, he was asked if he had had fewer deaths, and he replied: “Yes, 100,000 test capacities before starting this. Yes, and I’m convinced that many things can differ if we have the knowledge we know in the past. ”

The Guardian learned that of the 31,000 tests provided to nursing homes to test all residents and staff, only 7% had ever been conducted.

According to a director of the Social Welfare Department, the thousands of kits delivered to nursing homes last week were not used because it was not clear who could control them.

Residential care homes that are regulated by the Care Quality Commission are not registered to perform nursing tasks. Social welfare officials say they’re not sure if they’re allowed to bend the rules, but the government says the test can be easily managed by staff in nursing homes.

As one director of social welfare oversees hundreds of nursing homes in his area, he said: “There is a major flaw in this plan. The home care staff is not registered to perform this procedure. Yesterday no one was swabbed in our care facility. It’s a big mistake. “

Symptoms are defined by the NHS as one of the following:

  • High temperature-feels hot when touching chest or back
  • New continuous cough-this means you started coughing repeatedly

NHS advice is for anyone with symptoms Stay home for at least 7 days.

If you live with another person They should stay home for at least 14 days, To prevent the spread of infection outside the house.

After 14 days, anyone who has lived together and is asymptomatic can return to normal life. But if anyone in your home experiences symptoms, they should stay home for seven days from the day the symptoms begin. I mean staying home for more than 14 days.

If you live with someone over the age of 70, long-term, pregnant, or with a weakened immune system, try looking for another place to stay for 14 days.

If you need to be at home together, try to stay away from each other as much as possible.

After 7 days, if it does not get hot, you can return to the normal procedure.

If the temperature is still high, stay home until the temperature returns to normal.

You still have a cough after 7 days, but if your body temperature is normal, you do not need to stay at home. The cough may last for weeks after the infection is over.

Being at home means what you should do:

  • Do not go to work, school or public places
  • Do not use public transportation or taxis
  • There are no visitors such as friends and family at home
  • Do not go out to buy food or collect medicine. Order by phone or online, or ask someone to take it home

You can use it if you have a garden. You can also leave home and exercise – But be at least 2 meters away from others.

If you have symptoms of coronavirus, NHS 111 Coronavirus Service Find out what to do.

Source: NHS England March 23, 2020

Previously, tests were available to home caregivers with Covid-19 symptoms, but not to asymptomatic residents. This was changed on April 28th as part of the Covid-19 test increase Announced By Hancock. Resident and staff testing of all nursing homes is an important part of stopping the spread of the virus throughout the department.

MHA, the leading chain that lost over 300 residents to Covid-19, explained A “complete chambolic” test at a nursing home.

Department of health A Social Care (DHSC) spokeswoman said: “Since April 28th, we announced about a further expansion to all symptomatic and asymptomatic care home staff and residents, and we have run approximately 31,000 tests. The tests are easy to use and care workers are easy to use. You need to use a cotton swab. “

It has been found that about 2,300 tests have been conducted at nursing homes so far, and the number of governments is expected to surge. Caregiver homeworkers who are uncomfortable managing these tests are encouraged to contact their local NHS Trust for support.

The Care Quality Committee said it was not involved in mass care home testing.

The government also acknowledged that the “few” home coronavirus tests sent did not have the proper information to be processed.

Baschea Walsh was one of the people who reported being tested without a reply envelope. “First I tried to register the kit online, and it wouldn’t recognize my date of birth, so I then called them,” she said. “I also asked how to send it back without a reply envelope. I was told to put it in a box – asked them if they could send me an envelope and they asked me I said I wouldn’t have to do a new test. “

A spokesperson for DHSC said: “We’re in a hurry to fix this so that we can provide affected people with new labels or order replacement kits online. This is a daily number. Is not included in. “

Since the beginning of April, a total of 1,206,405 coronavirus tests have been conducted in the UK.

At the government’s daily briefing on Sunday, Michael gove He said the steps taken to extend the test would help more people return to work. He said: “Thanks to a lot of hard work across the NHS, Public Health UK, our pharmaceutical sector and our college, we enable more than 200,000 people to have virus-free people returning. Tested major workers and their families to protect workers and workers.

“We have, of course, extended our testing criteria beyond key workers to all those over the age of 65 who are symptomatic and to all who have to travel to get to work.”


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