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Artificial intelligence that helps scientists increase the effectiveness of sleep disorder treatments


Artificial intelligence system develops algorithm for sleep disorder treatment
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According to the University of Copenhagen, artificial intelligence systems are currently being used to improve the therapeutic effects of sleep disorders.

Sleep disorders such as sleep disorders, narcolepsy, and sleep apnea are just some of the most common problems that many suffer. They can harm your mental and physical health.

However, various forms of sleep disorders have not yet been diagnosed and treatment may not work as effectively as researchers would expect.

As a solution, the School of Computer Science at the University of Copenhagen has decided to work with the Danish Center for Sleep Medicine at Rigshospitalet, Danish National Hospital. This collaboration aims to improve the diagnosis and treatment of sleep disorders and to develop algorithms for artificial intelligence systems that can better understand the disorder.

Artificial Intelligence-What is its role?

by Medical Express, Researchers are planning to create an artificial intelligence algorithm with extraordinary accuracy.

At Mathias Perslev, Department of Computer Science, the lead author of the actual research is “Digital medicalThese tests proved that the performance of the algorithm was comparable to some of the best doctors specializing in sleep disorders.

The current first step in sleep disorder testing usually involves admission of the patient to a registered sleep clinic. Patient sleep is monitored using a number of instruments.

Sleep disorder specialists then examine the 7-8 hours of data obtained from the patient’s nighttime sleep.

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Experts manually divide a patient’s sleep into 30-second intervals and classify them into specific sleep stages, such as: REM sleep, Light sleep, deep sleep, etc.

This process is a time-consuming task for humans. But with artificial intelligence algorithms, it only takes a few seconds to complete the painstaking task.

Paul Jenun, a professor of neurophysiology and chief physician at the Danish Center for Sleep Medicine, recently said the project could prove safe to measure with the help of machine learning. Utilization of artificial intelligence, Specialists can provide more time and help more patients.

Comprehensive range help for artificial intelligence

artificial intelligence algorithm It begins to work in some patient groups and sleep clinics.

The researchers behind the new development can guarantee optimal functionality by collecting data from a variety of sources. This research study currently collects 20,000 nights of sleep from the United States and several European countries. The data you own will be used to track new AI algorithms.

Indeed, this type of achievement is probably one of the greatest challenges the medical data analytics field has ever surpassed.

Researchers now hope that the new AI algorithms will be of great help to doctors and researchers around the world.

Related article: Researchers have discovered that chronic sleep deprivation can feed the brain on its own.

This article is owned by Tech Times

By Fran Sanders

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