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Transmission of coronavirus through speech is a major cause of its rapid spread: reported


Unmasked speech in confined spaces poses the greatest risk of spreading the SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes covid-19 to others, a review published in the Journal of Internal Medicine on Wednesday showed. ..

The focus of the review is the boundary between physics and medicine, how different sizes of respiratory droplets released when talking can span size continuums and carry different amounts of virus. Explains. Of greatest concern are medium-sized droplets that remain suspended in the air for a few minutes and can travel considerable distances due to convective airflow.

“We’ve seen some saliva droplets splashing when people are talking, but there are thousands of saliva droplets that are too small to see with the naked eye. Produced by such utterances, As water evaporates from potentially virus-rich droplets, they float in the air, endangering others for a few minutes like smoke, “said the National Institute of Diabetes, Gastroenterology and Kidney Disease. Adrian Bucks, the lead author of the study, said.

The author writes in a review that the SARS-CoV-2 virus is highly contagious, as evidenced by a number of well-documented superspreader events. Infection usually begins in the upper respiratory tract (URT), but can also travel to the lower respiratory tract (LRT) and other organs with serious consequences. The review said that LRT infections can shed the virus through exhaled breath and cough droplets, whereas URT infections allow the virus to shed through large numbers of speech droplets.

“Their viral load can be higher in mild or asymptomatic carriers, an observation associated with the abundance of SARS-CoV-2 sensitive cells in the oral epithelium. The droplets rapidly lose water as they evaporate, turning small droplets into long-lived aerosols, “says the review.

The largest speech droplets can carry more billions, but they play a relatively small role in transmission because they are few in number and fall to the ground rapidly. Of greater concern, the review said, is a small speech aerosol that descends deep into the LRT and can cause serious illness.

However, it is a review that the amount of virus carried is small because the total amount is small. Nevertheless, in a poorly ventilated closed environment, they can accumulate, increasing the risk of direct LRT infection.

“Most of the concern is the abundance of aerosols produced by this speech, as it floats in the air for a few minutes and can travel considerable distances due to convective airflow. High levels of virus in presymptomatic and asymptomatic individuals strongly suggest speech-induced airborne transmission of SARS-CoV-2 as a major cause of rapid spread of SARS-CoV-2. ” Stated.

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