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Description: How San Francisco is leading the way towards herd immunity

Description: How San Francisco is leading the way towards herd immunity


Some parts of the United States are gradually easing Coronavirus With restrictions and movements similar to pre-coronavirus normality, leading epidemiologists say San Francisco, California, is the first major city in the United States to end the coronavirus infection. I predict that there is sex. Pandemic — Herd immunity.

Experts believe that the San Francisco vaccination movement is primarily a gratitude for its success in fighting the virus. So far, nearly 80% of adults have been vaccinated at least once in the city, according to data from the San Francisco Health Department.

San Francisco and its suburbs are becoming more cautious about easing restrictions and resuming business, in addition to being one of the highest vaccination rates in the country. It’s very different from many US states that have made progress to eliminate it, according to health authorities.

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Dr. Grant Corfax, director of health in San Francisco, told NBC News last month: “It’s clear that vaccines are the way to overcome this situation.”

But first, what exactly is herd immunity?

Herd immunity refers to preventing the spread of infectious diseases by immunizing a certain percentage of the population. This concept is most commonly used in the context of vaccination, but can also be achieved if the majority of the population has acquired immunity to the disease after infection.

Since the coronavirus pandemic first began in 2020, vaccine thresholds for determining whether a population has achieved herd immunity have changed. For example, a briefing at Yale University School of Medicine estimated that if 60-70% of the population gained immunity, the spread of the virus would be significantly slowed. However, due to the emergence of new and often more virulent variants of the virus, some experts now state that more than 80% of the population needs to be vaccinated before herd immunity can be achieved. I have.

To date (as of June 9) in the United States, 51.7% of the population has been vaccinated with at least one coronavirus vaccine, but only 42.4% have been fully vaccinated. This has not reached President Joe Biden’s goal of at least partially vaccination of 70% of adults by July 4. This is an important milestone in achieving national herd immunity.

Some are concerned that herd immunity may not be available as resistance to vaccines spreads across the country and new variants are increasing. Overall, public health experts and scientists say that exceeding the herd immunity threshold is achievable for the entire country, even though more than half of the US adult population has been vaccinated at least once. I almost agree that it is not a goal. A foreseeable future. Instead, experts say the virus is likely to subside into a more manageable threat, which will continue to spread over the years to come, the New York Times report. States.

But cities like San Francisco give us a faint hope.

How many people have been vaccinated in San Francisco?

A total of 6,24,528 residents of the city have been vaccinated with at least one new coronavirus vaccine so far. Looking at this in the big picture, there are a total of 7,91,131 people eligible for the vaccine in San Francisco. This means that more than 79% of people over the age of 12 have been vaccinated at least once, and about 68% have both vaccinated, according to data released by the San Francisco Department of Health. ..

However, given that the immune threshold of herd immunity is a fluctuating target, more reliable numbers are the number of patients, hospitalizations, and daily deaths in the city. Cases in San Francisco peaked on January 4, with a total of 560 infected people and have been declining ever since. It has the advantage of strengthening vaccination when the number of cases is relatively small. By comparison, Los Angeles peaked on December 26, with more than 26,000 cases recorded daily.

California is consistently predicted to reach herd immunity as a whole from mid-July to late July. However, it may take longer after the number of vaccinations has decreased. According to an ABC 7 report, the state administers approximately 1 million doses every 5 days. Actual testing will begin in the states where the economy is scheduled to resume on June 15. Herd immunity may not be too far if the number of infected people remains low.

What’s the difference between San Francisco in the fight against Covid-19?

Mary Ellen Carol, director of the San Francisco Emergency Management Agency, announced that the city will launch a “national model for fair vaccine distribution.” Under this system, elderly people and disabilities at home A door-to-door vaccination drive was conducted to help immunize those who have. “Help push San Francisco through the last miles of our vaccine program.”

Apart from the success of a particularly successful vaccination campaign, the city also has other benefits. In an interview with the Guardian, Dr. George Rutherford, a professor of epidemiology at the University of California, pointed out that there are fewer children in the population compared to other places. This means that a larger percentage of residents are eligible for the Covid vaccine. The city’s compact geography — most of its inhabitants packed into 47 square miles — also allowed healthcare professionals to carry out effective door-to-door vaccination campaigns, Rutherford added.

City officials responded swiftly to the pandemic, imposed strict measures to mitigate its impact, and were widely accepted by the population. “This culture and support for public health, the public health infrastructure is largely It is deeply rooted in San Francisco thanks to its response to the HIV / AIDS pandemic, “Dr. Grant Corfax, director of public health in San Francisco, told NBC News. “It is rooted in our cultural DNA.”

What other cities are showing signs of herd immunity?

San Francisco appears to be leading the competition for herd immunity, but some small countries and cities across the country are lagging behind. Cities such as Albuquerque, New Mexico. Portland, Maine. And San Diego are seeing promising signs as well.

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