Massachusetts Lyme Disease Threat Tick Outdoor Danger
Some may be worried that a full-fledged summer will come and the ticks will bite and ruin the fun of the outdoors. So far, recorded tick activity is fairly average at this point in the year.
Massachusetts is considered a high-risk state for tick-borne disease, and the risk is constant each year, said Dr. Catherine M. Brown, a state epidemiologist and state public health veterinarian. I am.
“The risk of tick-borne disease in Massachusetts is high each year, with tick activity being most active from March to October, but it should be noted that it can occur at any time above freezing. There is, “says Brown.
The most common tick-borne diseases are Lyme disease, anaplasmosis, and babesiosis, Brown said. All three diseases are spread by black-footed mites, also known as deer ticks. She added that the tick could also spread two additional diseases, Borrelia miyamotoi and Poissan virus, which are less common in Massachusetts.
Paul Kiringer, an international tick bite tracker at the Amherst-based tick testing laboratory, said tick activity will begin to decline slightly this week from the peak of the adult season in recent weeks. However, the larvae of the deer mite will be active for more than a month.
According to Kiringer, nationwide tick submissions to the Tick Report are slightly less than last year, but the main reason for the decline is that the lab was closed from December to April and the lab is back for testing. Rumors that it is open are still widespread.
American dog tick
Given the slight decline, Kiringer said that this year’s tick numbers appear to be stable overall for now. However, the tick of the American dog tick, known as the American dog tick, is reported by the TickReport. It accounts for a slightly higher percentage of the submissions received.
Kiringer said it is not yet known whether the relatively high proportion of mites is due to increased public awareness of mites or reflects changes in mite activity.
However, the increased submission of Inukakuma mites helps to better understand the Tick Report on the prevalence of these mites, which rarely carry the bacteria that cause Rocky Mountain spotted fever or tularemia.
One year, a Massachusetts-based TickReport said that 34-35% of the ticks received by the institute came from Massachusetts, Kiringer said.
“In every tick activity and tick test, you always have to think about the human part,” Kiringer said. We check very carefully for ticks. ”
Lyme disease
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, an estimated 300,000 Americans are diagnosed with Lyme disease each year and can cause serious neurological disorders and other health problems if left untreated.
According to the Central Mass Lime Foundation, there are three stages of Lyme disease. It is an early localized stage that lasts days to weeks and is followed by symptoms such as complete redness, bull-like eye lesions, and swollen lymph nodes. The disseminated early stages, which generally last for weeks, including multiple rashes, cranial nerve palsy, and meningitis, and the late stages, which include symptoms such as arthritis, neuropathy, and peripheral neuropathy, last for weeks to months.
The Central Mass Lime Foundation recommends that you seek a doctor who is familiar with Lyme disease as soon as possible if you are worried that you may have been bitten by a tick and caused Lyme disease. Mites should also be stored for testing.
According to a 2019 survey Up to 2 million Americans have long-term Lyme disease, calculated by Mylas Sue, director of scientific research at Stanford, the Connecticut-based Global Lyme Disease Alliance.
Residents are at risk of being bitten within 0.5 miles of their home. This includes personal property, which spends most of the time. Even ordinary things, such as tall grass stands on the front lawn, can carry mites.
Kiringer said people should take precautions when they are near their homes
“When I go camping or hiking, I think people are aware of the ticks and are ready to protect themselves from them,” Kiringer said. “But going to the park or gardening in the backyard. It is known that so many people pick up mites when they are. “
Pathogens of tick-borne diseases
Adult ticks are more likely to carry the vector of tick-borne diseases than larval ticks. Adults take two blood draws, so larvae have only one blood draw and one chance of infection, but they are given two chances of infection.
Although they are more likely to carry the disease, adult ticks are larger (about the size of sesame seeds) and tend to be easier to detect. Nymphs are small, about the size of poppy seeds, hard to find, and can stick to people for long periods of time.
“The general wisdom is that they are small and easy to miss until they are fed for a few days. You will find that they grow and are at increased risk,” Kiringer said.
For those who want to protect themselves and their families from tick-borne illnesses this summer, Brown said the most effective means is to practice. Personal preventative action. These actions include tick recognition, the use of tick repellents, masking to reduce exposed skin, and daily tick checks. If ticks are found, they need to be removed immediately, Brown said.
Kiringer says he has his own pants when doing garden work, and treating such clothes with permethrin is a good way to stay safe near the house. He said after garden work It is also advisable to check the entire body.
For children, it’s important to check for ticks behind their hair and ears, Kiringer said. Tick that ate for days could have been found in the child’s head. He added that it was the highest.
According to Kiringer, Massachusetts saw a record number of tick exposures in March last year as more people went out to work during the pandemic. He restricted COVID-19. We don’t know how the release of the giraffe will affect the tick season this summer, but we speculate that it could increase trips to tick-bite-heavy tourist destinations such as Cape Cod.
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