Know your risk and reduce your chances of developing Alzheimer’s disease or dementia
The Pennsylvania Aging and Health Department has encouraged all Pennsylvania people to learn about the importance of brain health and to learn about Alzheimer’s disease and other types of dementia.
There are several brain health problems that can affect an individual. Some are caused by brain damage from traumatic brain injury, while others are the result of genetic problems. Various types of dementia are associated with memory loss and intellectual disability, which can be severe enough to interfere with the ability to perform daily tasks. Alzheimer’s disease is one of the most serious and most common types of dementia and the sixth leading cause of death in Pennsylvania.
“There are 280,000 people over the age of 65 with Alzheimer’s disease in Pennsylvania, and we expect that number to increase as we age,” said Aging Secretary Robert Torres. “June is Alzheimer’s. It’s Disease and Brain Awareness Month and an opportunity for all of us to learn about the facts of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementia and understand their effects. Together, we create a dementia-friendly state of Pennsylvania. You can join the community to promote better understanding and awareness of these diseases and provide appropriate support to Alzheimer’s patients and their families and caregivers. “
There is Number of risk factors For Alzheimer’s disease. Some cannot be changed, others are influenced by a person’s lifestyle. Risk factors include:
- Age – Most people with this disease are over 65 years old. After age 65, the risk of Alzheimer’s disease doubles every five years.
- Family History – People with parents or siblings with Alzheimer’s disease are most likely to develop the disease and are at increased risk if more than one family member has the disease.
- Genetics – Individuals with genes at risk for Alzheimer’s disease are more likely to develop the disease.
- Additional Factors – Additional factors are those that we may influence. These include preventing head injuries, maintaining heart health, healthy aging with a healthy diet, continuing social activities, avoiding cigarettes and excessive alcohol, and exercising both body and mind. It is included.
There is Number of signs From mild to severe cases of Alzheimer’s disease. Mild signs of Alzheimer’s disease include the following:
- amnesia
- Improper judgment leads to bad decisions
- Spontaneity and loss of initiative
- Repeated questions
- Changes in mood and personality
“It’s important for all Pennsylvanians to know the signs of Alzheimer’s disease. Knowing the signs can help friends and loved ones take action to find the best treatment available to prevent weakness. You can, “said Deputy Secretary of Health and Welfare Alison Beam.” You need to know that you are not the only individual and family member who is fighting this disease. There is support and resources available. “
The Alzheimer’s Association Greater Pennsylvania and Delaware Valley chapters show several ways people can work to maintain brain health. They include:
- Exercise regularly
- Maintain a good diet for your heart
- Get proper sleep
- Socially and physically active stay
In 2018, the Department of Aging Chemistry (PDA) established the Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Diseases Task Force with a focus on early detection, diagnosis and treatment. In November 2020, the Task Force’s annual forum focused on racial disparities and inequality in the detection, diagnosis and treatment of dementia. The Task Force recently formed a working subgroup to educate consumers and providers on issues such as impact and support for families and caregivers. Financial exploitation; Physician education on conversation initiation and progress after initial diagnosis. And how to focus and engage with underserved communities.
The PDA is working with the Alzheimer’s Association Delaware Valley and Greater Pennsylvania Chapters to conduct community forums and take initiatives such as assessing needs in rural communities. Providing education and outreach to health systems, public health centers and clinicians for the purpose of strengthening dementia care. Development of new online training for facility-based staff.As part of that State plan for agingThe department has also partnered with two branches to train a network of Area Agencies on Aging (AAA) care managers and personality counselors to effectively interact and collaborate with individuals with Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias. I am trying to do it.
More information about Alzheimer’s disease and brain health, including online training, can be found at the following website: www.alz.orgThe Ministry of Health also provides additional information at:
For more information on the various programs offered by PDA, please visit:
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