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Covid 19 Coronavirus: Why Delta variants scare experts



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It spreads more easily, is more serious, and is more resistant to vaccines.

More than a year and a half since the Covid-19 outbreak in China – caused a global pandemic, dysfunctional economy, killed millions and forced to close borders – Indian virus There is a growing risk of stocks derailing for a long time. Waiting for a resumption, the world was once again in jeopardy.

The so-called Delta subspecies, first detected in India last October, is now widespread in at least 62 countries, behind the rise in epidemics in Asia and Africa, the World Health Organization said this week.

In the UK, the Delta variant, newly named by WHO, now accounts for 90% of newly infected individuals to simplify the scientific name and avoid stigmatizing countries that detect new strains. Despite the success of the vaccination campaign, it will surge again.

On Friday, the UK recorded 8125 new cases nationwide, with the highest number per day in four months, an increase of 58% in a week, and 158 hospitalized.

The disturbing numbers have forced the UK government to consider delaying the final relaxation of the June 21 limit by two or four weeks, the Times reported.

Passengers in the arrival area of ​​London's Heathrow Airport on January 26.  Photo / AP
Passengers in the arrival area of ​​London’s Heathrow Airport on January 26. Photo / AP

The goal is to give people more time to hit the second shot. About 75% of the UK are vaccinated, but only 40% have been vaccinated twice.

Two-thirds of the 383 Delta-type hospitalizations were unvaccinated, and 42 hospitalizations and 12 deaths were both vaccinated, according to figures released this week. ..

“This is to give people confidence,” a government source told the Times. “The worst scenario is that you have to relax the restrictions and then try again. This must be a one-way ticket.”

Britain’s Prime Minister Boris Johnson is expected to wait until Sunday to look at the numbers and make the final decision, the newspaper said.

The Sun newspaper reported late Friday that Prime Minister Johnson would postpone “Freedom Day” to July 19.

“We need to avoid repeating the mistakes we made in the last 18 months,” Johnson told world leaders at the G7 summit on Friday.

Anthony Costello, a British pediatrician and member of the Independent SAGE Advisory Group, told the BBC earlier this month that June 21 was too early to ease the restrictions.

He said the Delta subspecies were considered to be 50-70% more contagious, 2.7 times more likely to be hospitalized, and showed evidence of “vaccine escape.”

“A single vaccination can only protect 34%,” said Dr. Costello.

“Two doses protect only about two-thirds, which means that there are millions of people who can get the virus. Many of them are now. Youth, mortality should go down. “But many people can be hospitalized and the NHS can surge again.


In addition to being more contagious, there are anecdotal reports from India that the Delta subspecies are more severe in children than the so-called Alpha strain.

Doctors treating Indian patients are also reporting new and annoying symptoms such as breakage and deafness.

A YouGov poll released by The Times on Saturday found that a majority of UK voters were in favor of pushing back the reopening on June 21st.

In a poll, 53% said the limit should be maintained after June 21, and 34% said it should be closed.


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