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Myocarditis: CDC discusses reports of cardiac inflammation in adolescents after COVID vaccine


Washington –The CDC Advisory Board will be convened at an emergency meeting next week to discuss reports of myocarditis in adolescents who have received COVID-19. vaccine..

The CDC states that 226 confirmed cases of a condition called myocarditis have been reported in people under the age of 30. Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 vaccine..

Myocarditis is temporary and tends to be cured by treatment and monitoring, but the CDC analyzes these cases to see if they are associated with vaccination.

Dr. Tom Shimabukuro of the CDC’s Vaccination Safety Agency said there was an “imbalance” in the number of cases, but told the FDA Advisory Board that details still need to be confirmed.

“Observed reports exceed expectations based on known background rates published in the literature,” he told the FDA Advisory Board this week.

“This is a comparison of apples and oranges, but this is also a preliminary report. Not all of these prove to be true myocarditis or pericarditis reports,” he added.

The Vaccine Safety Monitoring System has reported more than 800 unidentified heart problems, but the CDC states that it is of greatest concern to people under the age of 30. , 226 confirmed cases. The CDC Advisory Board will be up to date on these reports at next week’s meeting.

Is CDC still recommends Everyone over the age of 12 has been vaccinated with COVID-19, but anyone who experiences chest pain, shortness of breath, or tachycardia within a week of being vaccinated should see a doctor.

Side effects are still considered to be rare among the millions of people who have been vaccinated, but because the number is higher than the number of people expected to develop symptoms in the general population, institutional and external specialties. The house is watching carefully to determine if it is related to the vaccine.
Independent experts advising the CDC and FDA are reviewing questions about the risks and benefits of making vaccines available to children. They find that there is sufficient data to ensure that the benefits of vaccination outweigh the possible side effects, even if the country wants to vaccinate a larger population to achieve herd immunity. I want to confirm.

Discussions and ongoing research balance the risk of children becoming infected with COVID-19, which includes a disease called MIS-C, with the potential for more serious side effects from the vaccine.

Clinical trials have shown that the COVID-19 vaccine is safe and effective against the adult virus. Pfizer vaccines are currently available Allowed for children over 12 years old After clinical trials have shown that even teens are safe.Experts say there is There is no reason for the vaccine to affect Puberty and childbirth.

on the other hand, A study testing Pfizer and Moderna vaccines in children Children under the age of 12 are currently in progress and data will be available by the fall. An FDA adviser said this week that despite the urgency of gaining herd immunity, there is no reason to rush the infant trial.

The CDC Advisory Board has no plans to vote on changes to vaccine recommendations or the timeline for when the COVID-19 vaccine will be approved for children, but whether reports of myocarditis are vaccine-related. Discuss the additional data needed to make a decision.

Sony Salzman and Sasha Pezenik of ABC News contributed to this report.

Copyright © 2021 ABC News Internet Ventures.


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