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Scientists use AI to detect progression from glaucoma to blindness 18 months before current standards


Death of retinal cells behind the eye causes glaucoma. It is a major global cause of irreversible blindness affecting more than 60 million people. Experts predict that as the world’s population ages, that number will double by 2040.

The researchers used artificial intelligence (AI) to develop a quick test to identify which people with glaucoma are at risk of rapidly developing blindness. This new test can detect glaucoma progression 18 months ahead of the current Gold Standard method.

The results of UCL-sponsored clinical trials will be used to develop new technologies supported by artificial intelligence algorithms. According to a welcome fund study published in Molecular diagnostics expert review, This technology helps accelerate clinical trials and can be used for detection and diagnosis.

“We have developed a rapid, automated, and sensitive method for identifying whether people with glaucoma are at risk of rapidly developing blindness,” said the UCL Institute of Ophthalmology, Imperial College London, Western Eye Hospital Imperial. Said Francesca Cordeiro, the principal investigator of the. College Healthcare NHS Trust.

They call the test Detection of apoptotic retinal cells (DARC) Includes injecting fluorescent dye into the attached bloodstream Retinal cells It then illuminates what is in the form of apoptosis or programmed cell death.

Upon eye examination, the damaged cells appear bright white. More Damaged cells If detected, the DARC count will be high.

There were 20 participants with glaucoma and 40 healthy control subjects who participated in a Phase II clinical trial in which AI was used. First trained by analyzing retinal scans after injecting dye into healthy control subjects, then AI was tested in glaucoma patients.

Participants were followed 18 months after the main study period to see if their eye health had deteriorated. All patients above the DARC threshold were found to have advanced glaucoma at follow-up.

This means researchers will correctly predict progressive glaucoma 18 months ago compared to current gold standard OCT retinal imaging technology.

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Professor Cordeiro said the results of this study are very promising, showing that DARC can be used as a biomarker when combined with AI algorithms. Biomarkers are indicators of a disease or condition or severity that is urgently needed to expedite trials because glaucoma is slow to progress and symptoms can take years to change.

Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, the first author of Dr. Eduard Normand of Imperial College London and Western Eye Hospital, said that early glaucoma detection and prediction of progression could help people maintain vision. Added. This is because the treatment provided early is the most successful.

Researchers also apply tests to rapidly detect cell damage caused by many conditions other than glaucoma. Age-related macular degeneration, Multiple sclerosis, and dementia.

The UK Drug and Healthcare Product Regulatory Agency and the US Food and Drug Administration recently approved technologies that support AI as exploratory endpoints for testing new glaucoma drugs in clinical trials.

They also want people with lung disease to take advantage of this technology and hope to help assess people with dyspnea due to COVID-19 by year’s end.

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