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British doctor warns Indians of poor diet


Last updated: May 3, 2020

A poor diet is an important reason behind the death of Covid-19, who desperately needs to cut down on ultra-processed diets to build resilience against deadly viruses with Indians, the UK said. Cardiologists of the Top Indian Origin of Warn.

“India is very vulnerable and the incidence of lifestyle-related diseases is very high,” he said. The 42-year-old health worker seeks to raise awareness about lifestyle changes as an important weapon in the fight against the coronavirus.

“In particular, symptoms such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease are just three of the key risk factors for withdrawal from Covid-19.

Western European countries such as the United States and the United Kingdom have observed numerous maximum pass rates from Covid-19 from Earth. This is most likely to correlate with an unhealthy lifestyle.

“The elephants in the room are the baseline at which the overall health of some Western populations was initially horrifying.

In the United States, less than 1 in 8 people are healthier. That is, if you are under 102 cm, use a strained area, and if your blood glucose and cholesterol at a woman and healthy level are significantly less than 88 cm, you will get normal blood pressure.

“There is no healthy weight, only healthy individuals. When people try to maintain these metabolic wellness parameters through a healthy lifestyle, this can be done in the weeks that simply change their diet. There is a possibility that they will be caught, “says Malhotra from New Delhi.

According to a recent report from the Nature Science Journal, people with type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome die of Covid-19 when they are called upon to forcibly enhance glucose and metabolic control in patients with type 2 diabetes. Outcomes that can be up to 10 times more likely.

“This is not to say that the drug should be stopped, lifestyle changes will be more stringent about health and will reduce the need for drugs. Positive news is that this should be reversed. It’s possible to do that, but it’s not conscious of the patients most doctors practice as Indian lifestyle prescriptions, “he explained.

According to his clinical expertise, specialists usually include five or four ingredients, as they are high in sugar, starch, unhealthy oils, preservatives, and additives, as reflected throughout the medical literature. We recommend the consumption of super processed foods that cover some packaged foods that are listed.

In the UK, these foods now account for more than 50% of the diet, he says “really amazing and shocking.”

There is a similar amount in the United States, perhaps reflecting some of the reason for the particularly high pass rates from Covid-19 in these countries. “So my recommendation for Indians is to cut these kinds of foods from the diet, cook them from scratch, and not chew,” the doctor said.

“In addition to this, another problem with the Indian diet is the high intake of processed carbohydrate foods, which can be insulin that is particularly harmful because it increases insulin and glucose. Type 2 diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease—with excessive use of flour and rice.

“These must be replaced with whole foods such as fruits and vegetables, and non-vegetarians. It’s perfectly fine to eat saturated fat dairy products, fish, eggs, and even lean meat.” He explained. .

NHS doctors also believe that disparities are also related to culture and lifestyle, with current statistics on the higher risks facing the Asian, Black and Minority (BAME) communities in the UK from coronaviruses

“South Asians have been found to be vulnerable because the incidence of metabolic syndrome is three to four times higher in the masses. Since I’m Indian, I know what they eat and what they consume. I believe that you must pay attention to, and they should not have the same illusion of safety just because they are offered a regular Body Mass Index (BMI). Body fat, especially around the waist, is far more harmful to health than using older indicators like BMI to establish health risks.


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