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Pakistan Continues Energetic Efforts to Fight HIV / AIDS: Dr. Faisal-Pakistan


release date June 13, 2021 8:47 pm

Pakistan continues its vigorous efforts to combat HIV / AIDS: Dr. Faisal

Islamabad (Dunya News)-Dr. Faisal Saudi, a special aide to the Prime Minister on national health services, regulation and coordination, said Pakistan has continued to work hard to combat HIV / AIDS and has already made great strides in this regard. I said I’ve done it.

In a video statement at a high-level meeting on HIV / AIDS in 2021 in New York, Dr. Faisal said the COVID-19 pandemic poses a significant challenge to these efforts and the government tests for regulatory delays. And as treatment services become more prevalent, many vulnerable people are at greater risk.

He said the Pakistani government has taken swift steps to change our strategy, including staffing and smart outreach, providing PPE to all field staff, and dispensing ARV treatment over several months. I did.

As a result, we were able to ensure uninterrupted supply of services at this unprecedented time and continue to adhere to these revised protocols in close collaboration with all partners, communities and relevant stakeholders. I am aiming to do it. “

In line with the SDG 3, Pakistan has launched a universal health program for the entire population. This includes HIV / AIDS as part of community and primary health care level interventions.

He added that the interventions included in this package include HIV / AIDS testing, counseling, referrals to antiretroviral treatments, provision of preventatives and syringes to high-risk groups, and health education.

“We believe that universal health coverage is essential to guarantee the right to health for all without discrimination.”

He renewed our unwavering determination to combat the HIV / AIDS epidemic by 2030, in line with Sustainable Development Goal No. 3, Health and Welfare for All, at the High Level Meeting. Provide an opportunity to do so. “

He assesses the progress of efforts by the international community to end the HIV / AIDS epidemic by 2030 and the recession faced by the COVID-19 pandemic in order to achieve concrete results. Said it is important to do. Struggle, learn from each other’s experience in adapting strategies and best practices in the light of a pandemic, and reiterate our political commitment to eradicating HIV / AIDS from around the world.

He said that Goal No. 3 of the SDGs, “Health and Welfare for All,” and its sub-goal 3.3 are related to the fight against infectious diseases, and 3.8 is related to the achievement of universal health coverage. Each agenda.

He said that the negative impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the economy, society, and the entire world’s population would be a narrow means to prevent and combat the HIV / AIDS epidemic in all parts of the world without discrimination against the international community. He said he reminded him to stand up beyond. And prejudice.

He said HIV / AIDS is a cross-cutting development agenda and millions of people around the world cannot continue to be denied development rights. Pakistan welcomes the new emphasis on the fight against HIV / AIDS in the 2021 Political Declaration, he added.

He will end the HIV / AIDS epidemic by 2030 through HIV / AIDS prevention, care, support and treatment, provision of sexual and reproductive health services, community involvement, awareness raising, and addressing issues. He said it is essential to accelerate efforts for stigma and discrimination.

He said the international community needs a global compact about health.

He added that ending the HIV / AIDS epidemic by 2030 is one of the priorities of this Global Compact that translates our commitment into concrete actions and outcomes.


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