Are you afraid of needles? What you can do to distract during the Covid-19 Jab
Augusta University Augusta (USA) (Conversation) If 25% of Americans dislike needles, you will not be surprised by the stagnation of COVID-19 vaccination. Even for those who want immunity, beer and lottery bribes may not be enough to counteract the anxiety exacerbated by the images of needles spreading in the media. As a doctor specializing in pain management, I am studying the effects of pain on vaccines. Adult interventions proven in studies of pain, fainting, panic, and fear can make vaccination more acceptable. At the very least, understanding why needle phobia is so common may help you tolerate embarrassment.
Why Needle Anxiety Increased Fear of needles has increased dramatically since a groundbreaking 1995 study by JG Hamilton reported that 10% of adults and 25% of children were afraid of needles. doing. In that treatise, an adult patient who recalled when fear began described the experience of stressful needles around the age of five. When Hamilton participants were preschool, the vaccine was only up to two years old. It wasn’t planned. For most people born after 1980, booster injections given between the ages of 4 and 6 became part of the routine of the vaccine experience. Booster timing boosts immunity. It maximizes and prolongs, but unfortunately falls within the age limit at which fear is formed.
A 2012 Canadian survey of 1,024 children found that 63% of people born after 2000 are now afraid of needles. In a 2017 study, my colleagues and I confirmed this increase in prevalence. Not surprisingly, fear of needles affects the willingness of teens and adults to get vaccinated. A 2016 study found that the most common reason teens did not receive the second HPV vaccine was needle phobia. Healthcare workers are no exception. A 2018 study found that 27% of hospital staff were avoiding the flu vaccine because of their fear of needles. And most recently, in April 2021, a national survey of 600 U.S. adults who had not yet been vaccinated with COVID-19 reported that 52% had moderate to severe needle phobia. I found out.
Potential Solutions for Adults For children, there is evidence that coping with fear and pain while distracting from the procedure is most effective in relieving pain. Adults are more than just big children, but the combination of these concepts with the results of adult injection studies available suggests some potential interventions. For many people who want a vaccine but need some help, here’s what we know:
1. Pain relief Relieving the pain of an injection can give the patient a sense of control and reduce fear of the needle. For example, a group of New Zealand patients were repeatedly absent from monthly antibiotic injections due to rheumatic heart disease. Their doctors created a special clinic that provided anesthetics, vibrating coolers, or both during the shoot. Intervention in 107 adults reduced pain and fear by 50% after 3 months. After 6 months, half of the patients still used the intervention and no special dose clinic was needed.
Especially for vaccination, applying a vibrating cold device to the injection site 1 minute before the injection and pressing just above the injection site during the injection will reduce pain, improve adult satisfaction and needle phobia. A horseshoe-shaped plastic device with a sharp prong that confuses the nerves also reduced the pain of the injection, but increased anxiety, probably due to discomfort from the prong itself. I did. Cold sprays cannot reduce the pain caused by vaccination in children, but have been shown to be more effective than local anesthesia for injections in adults.
2. Psychotherapy In exposure therapy, patients are ranked for anxiety caused by some of the procedures, such as looking at pictures of tourniquets or thinking about sharp things, and gradually in these areas in a controlled environment. Ask the patient to expose to. Free self-guided resources are available for a variety of phobias, from flying to spiders. However, none of the three studies testing this approach to adult needle phobia showed long-term fear reduction. However, one of the studies that taught techniques to reduce syncope was considered successful. Syncope, or vasovagal syncope, and needle phobia are often confused. Injectable syncope is more common in anxiety, but is often due to a genetic reaction. Tensioning the muscles of the stomach increases the amount of blood pumped by the heart and allows it to stay in the brain, preventing dizziness during acupuncture.
3. Distractions Surprisingly, no studies have used adult distractions for injections. However, two studies found that pretending to be a cough reduced the pain caused by blood sampling. Dropping F-Bombs can also help: Recent studies have shown that killing can reduce pain by a third compared to speaking meaningless words. Virtual reality games and Video distractions have shown varying results in adults, but have been shown to be more effective in children.
Mentally engaging tasks can also help. Visual discovery tasks given to children during intramuscular injections have been shown to reduce pain and fear, with 97% rating a more enjoyable experience than previous blood draws. Adults may require more complex tasks, but similar interventions work for them as well. Studies suggest that more interventions are better to use multiple interventions and reduce fear of planning needles. In a 2018 study summarizing studies on vaccine pain, patients found We conclude that the combination of a cooling and vibrating device to operate in combination with a distraction technique is most effective. Canada emphasizes implementing practical national advanced phobia interventions for vaccine dissemination and preparing in advance to make the vaccine day more comfortable.
The majority of adults dislike needles. Controlling the vaccination experience may be the best way to combat needle anxiety.
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