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Police confiscated enough opioids to quadruple San Francisco’s population amid a surge in California drugs.


Experts conclude that last week’s police seizure of more than 7 kilograms of particulate matter could be just one drop in a supply bucket, as waves of the powerful synthetic drug fentanyl are now flooding the streets of San Francisco. It is attached.

Fentanyl Overdose kills 1,603 people Residents of the city in 2019. Guardian reported The city-wide overdose deaths have increased by more than 2100 percent in five years.

However, city police chief Bill Scott said last week’s operation seized “a deadly overdose enough to quadruple the population of San Francisco.”

“Fentanyl continues to be the leading cause of the record number of lethal overdose that plagues our city.” Scott added to Facebook post..

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This material is relatively inexpensive to produce and can be lethal in trace amounts, but overlaps with heroin and other particulate matter in areas with high fentanyl concentrations. 2020 National Drug Threat Assessment From the US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA).

Professor Daniel Chiccalone, who specializes in addiction medicine at the University of California, Said in a treatise published in June Accelerated overdose deaths represent the “fourth wave” of opioid epidemics.

“Fentanyl deaths are now increasing more rapidly in the west than in the east,” said Ciccarone.

Stanford University researcher Chelsea Shober Journal drug and alcoholism This epidemic shows that it follows the same path as the East Coast opioid epidemic a few years ago.

“Given that fentanyl dramatically worsens mortality from overdose in the United States, and its effects remain in parts of the country, the nationwide spread of fentanyl can significantly exacerbate the epidemic.” The report states.

The pandemic may have exacerbated the city’s epidemic, but David Panouch, head of California’s health policy strategy, told Guardians that the fentanyl crisis was long before the outbreak of the global virus.

“The pandemic may have exacerbated the situation, but the tendency for addiction has risen sharply. Fentanyl is like pouring gasoline into a fire.”

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But even with a big win like last week’s 7-kilometer bust, experts say the supply chain is unlikely to be disrupted. Chiccalone said he felt a “sense of fear” when he heard the bust, adding that he thought it was a sign of “increased supply.”

“We haven’t come up with a proportional response to the equivalent of an uncontrollable crisis,” he added. “There aren’t enough drug slots in America yet.”

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