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Delta variant “double hospitalization”, 4 weeks delay to unlock England

Delta variant “double hospitalization”, 4 weeks delay to unlock England


These are the stories of the British coronavirus that you should know today.

England’s lockdown mitigation delayed by 4 weeks

Prime Minister Boris Johnson was scheduled to review the next step in the roadmap for lifting restrictions in the UK today. Instead, a weekend press conference confirmed an increase in cases of Delta variants, which means a four-week delay. Johnson will be presenting at a briefing on Downing Street tonight.

This morning, Health Minister Edward Argar said a one-month delay could allow an additional 10 million second doses of vaccination. He told Sky News: “I think people will be more comfortable if a second dose is given to people’s arms and a level of protection of around 81% is achieved.”

The BMA said the fourth phase of the PM roadmap “should not go on until we have a better understanding of the impact of the rapidly increasing number of cases.”

In a poll of NHS Confederation members released over the weekend, 63% of England’s 282 medical leaders answered “no” to lift restrictions next week. Another 30% agreed and 6% did not know.

“The number of cases of coronavirus is increasing again, and more members have been vaccinated against the disease, giving them a better understanding of the Delta subspecies,” said Matthew Taylor, CEO. Better. Increasing COVID-19 cases disrupt hospital services, but ambulance services, community care, and primary care when working hard to restore and restore services. It also puts extra pressure on mental health care. It meets high levels of non-COVID demand. “

Prior to the presentation at the Science Media Center, Mark Woolhouse, a professor of infectious disease epidemiology at the University of Edinburgh, said: The delta variant makes the process much more difficult. “

Delta variant “double hospitalization”

An ongoing EAVE II study at the University of Edinburgh using Scottish data from 5.4 million people found that the Delta subspecies Hospitalization risk is about double Compare with alpha version.

The survey results will be published as follows. Research letter in Lancet..

In cases in the region at least 2 weeks after the second dose, the Pfizer / BioNtec vaccine provided 92% protection against alpha variants and 79% protection against infections from delta variants. The Oxford / AstraZeneca vaccine, on the other hand, showed 60% protection against the delta variant and 73% protection against the alpha variant.

“In a few weeks, the Delta subspecies became the dominant strain of SARS-CoV-2 in Scotland,” said research leader Professor Aziz Sheikh. Unfortunately, the risk of hospitalization for COVID-19 Associated with the increase. Two doses of Pfizer / BioNTech and Oxford / AstraZeneca vaccines are also effective against other variants and provide substantial protection against the risk of infection and hospitalization. “

Professor Roland Khao of the University of Edinburgh said through the Science Media Center: The importance of continuing vaccination is one of the most important determinants in determining whether further mitigation in the future is likely to occur sooner or later.

“Although hospitalizations have been shown to increase, this treatise does not address the issue of intensive care unit demand or death from delta mutants. There is still insufficient data on this. Because of this, they will be important determinants of future decisions. The impact of existing restriction levels (R is clearly greater than 1) and the infectivity of delta mutants for further relaxation or reintroduction of restrictions. Data on mortality and ICU occupancy will continue to be closely monitored, as infections are expected to continue to increase, both due to the increase. “

Nova Bucks I issued a news release The company’s COVID-19 vaccine is said to have shown 90% overall efficacy in a US phase 3 trial involving 29,960 participants. It was also shown to be 93% effective against primarily circulating concerns and variants of interest (including alpha variants).

Offering jabs to all Welsh adults

The Welsh government said all adults were receiving the COVID-19 vaccine six weeks earlier than planned.

“But we’re not happy,” said Health Minister Eluned Morgan. “I want young adults to accept this vaccine offer and I don’t want to see anyone left behind.

“We are anxious for people between the ages of 18 and 39 to be vaccinated and hope to reach the 75% utilization milestone in this age group by the end of this month.”

Reduction of vaccine repellent

According to a survey of 1879 adults, 52% of those who said they would never get a COVID-19 jab last November or December were vaccinated. King’s College London and University of Bristol.

Confidence in ethnic minority vaccines has doubled from 36%, who said they were guaranteed or very likely to be vaccinated in November or December, to 72% today.

However, researchers reported that “the view on the other side of the spectrum has become stiff. 9% of unvaccinated are vaccinated, compared to 4% of the total who said the same thing in July 2020. I answered that I would never receive it. “

Dr. Sibourne McAndrew of Bristol said, “There is a clear difference in the willingness to get vaccinated between religious groups, especially Muslims, but ethnicity, immigrant status, social class and age. Controlling religion-related features such as, these differences are greatly reduced, suggesting that they are not religious beliefs in their own right.

“Nevertheless, the connections that religiously active people have with their religious peers, religious community leaders, and the diverse workforce of the NHS serve as a valuable communication resource. Customized through these channels. The message addresses the needs of a particular community, reassures cautious people, and supports vaccines. “

Quick test to be asked

British experts US FDA Safety Communication I’m telling people to stop using the Innova SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Rapid Qualitative Test for diagnostic purposes. “The FDA is seriously concerned about the health risks of poorly established testing,” he said.

Through the Science Media Center, John Dikes, a professor of biostatistics at the University of Birmingham, said: “Given the issues raised, risk assessments are urgently conducted by manufacturers in the United Kingdom. It is important. Repackaged NHS Self-Test Care) Consult with MHRA (Regulators) to assess whether the supply and distribution of this test in the UK poses similar risks. “

Professor Sheila Bird, a former program leader at the MRC Biostatistics Unit at the University of Cambridge, said MHRA “quickly extends the range of lead-across from across the pond to the side-flow test pack of the 7-kit that made DHSC available. He is a British citizen for asymptomatic screening twice a week and is currently participating in a self-isolated randomized controlled trial announced by Daily Contact Tracing and Michael Gove. I will.

RSS [Royal Statistical Society] walking group Calls for more attention to statistical science, especially research design and statistical reporting standards, in the stricter regulation of in vitro diagnostic tests and evaluation. “


The G7 Summit in Cornwall ended with several pandemic commitments.

  • Leaders are calling for further investigation into the source of SARS-CoV-2 in China, but Boris Johnson says it does not appear to come from the institute with current advice. Was.

  • One billion doses of COVID-19 vaccine, including 100 million doses from the United Kingdom, were promised.

  • There was a promise 100-day mission For cooperation in future pandemics.

Find out more about Medscape’s global coronavirus updates Coronavirus Resource Center.

Graphic credits: PA media


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