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Ask a pediatrician: Do unvaccinated children need to wear masks? | Fitness

Ask a pediatrician: Do unvaccinated children need to wear masks? | Fitness


Q: Do my unvaccinated children need to wear a mask even if the whole family is vaccinated?

A: New guidance from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states that most people who are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 do not need to wear a mask indoors or outdoors. However, families with children under the age of vaccination recognize that it can be difficult to determine what is best for everyone.

There are a few things to keep in mind.

For indoor activities, family members living together do not need to wear a mask when they are together. Schools and daycare centers may have different guidelines for wearing masks indoors, so check with staff at those locations.

For outdoor activities, non-vaccinated persons, including children, should wear a mask except in the following cases:

— When working with family, such as biking or walking

— In a small gathering with fully vaccinated family and friends

— During water sports such as swimming and diving, and sports where masks can pose a safety risk, such as gymnastics, cheerleading, tumbling and wrestling.

— In activities that allow individuals to stay away, such as golf and singles tennis

— For children under 2 years old

Families need to keep their children involved in school and community activities, both indoors and outdoors. Children and adolescents who are not adequately vaccinated with COVID-19 should continue to wear masks, even if they are unable to maintain social distance.

There is no COVID-19 vaccine for children under 12 years old yet. In short, masks are an important way to protect children. Also, unvaccinated children can still infect others with the virus, so wearing a mask protects them as well.

Parents, if you are vaccinated and your child is not, of course you can choose to go without a mask. But instead, you can choose to model the behavior of wearing a mask to support your children when you’re out with them. For example, on a trip to a grocery store or park, everyone can wear a mask.

If older siblings are vaccinated, unvaccinated younger siblings may find it unfair to have to wear a mask. If you’re playing with your friends, everyone will agree to wear a mask. Explain to younger children the importance of wearing a mask and emphasize that they can still enjoy meeting their friends. Please give me.

You must be at least two weeks after your last dose of the vaccine to be fully vaccinated. Children over the age of 12 can now be vaccinated with two doses of Pfizer vaccine and will be fully vaccinated two weeks after the second dose. Until then, you should continue to wear the mask in public places.

There are a lot of people, some wearing masks, others not. Having a family plan for masks can help children know what to expect. Engage your children in family discussions on the best ways to protect everyone inside and outside the home.

Ask your children and teens about wearing masks and vaccinations. They will learn a lot about caring for others during this time and will probably provide you with the pearl of wisdom to include in your family’s plans.

Wearing a mask is key to reducing SARS-CoV-2 infection and spread when physical distance, hand washing and vaccination are available to all. Sick children (fever, cough, congestion, runny nose, diarrhea or vomiting) should be at home. If you have any concerns about your child’s health, please consult your pediatrician.

Studies have shown that the COVID-19 vaccine is very effective and safe, and AAP encourages all children and adults over the age of 12 to get the COVID-19 vaccine as soon as possible. Vaccines are free, and the state has a vaccine search website to help you find the location of your vaccine. Currently, clinical trials of the vaccine in 6-month-old children are underway.

Masks can keep your family safe and healthy until the vaccine protects everyone.


About the writer:

Dr. Yvonne Maldonado is responsible for the Department of Infectious Diseases, Department of Pediatrics, Stanford University School of Medicine, California. He is also the Chairman of the Infectious Diseases Commission of the American Academy of Pediatrics. For more information, AAP Parents Website.

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