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Some medically vulnerable Texas people feel left behind as the condition returns to normal

Some medically vulnerable Texas people feel left behind as the condition returns to normal


Vaccines may not work, or, as some are worried, vaccines may even hurt them after a year of sacrifice and isolation, and waiting for protection from the virus. Is a devastating blow.
Along Karen Brooke Harper June 14, 2021

Like many who followed strict quarantine during the coronavirus pandemic, Kristen Patton hasn’t seen her relatives for over a year.

However, unlike other Texas people who are completely vaccinated against the virus, like her, Patton’s life is unlikely to return to normal soon.

This is because pre-pandemic life tickets and the widely-known vaccine appear to be ineffective for 45-year-old Patton, an Austin heart transplant patient taking drugs that suppress the immune system. is.

Researchers at Johns Hopkins University participating in a clinical trial at Johns Hopkins University are participating in a clinical trial in which Patton is participating for transplant patients, she said.

For Patton and potentially millions of other medically vulnerable Texas people, the vaccine may not work, or it may even hurt them, as some patients fear. Is a devastating blow after waiting for a year of sacrifice, quarantine, and protection, especially against viruses that are especially dangerous to them.

“It’s very difficult to handle,” Patton said. “How to get them [antibody test] The result was nothing more than an intestinal punch. “

Health professionals believe that vaccines are safe and effective even for medically vulnerable people, based on several factors. However, it is being done in Texas to gain a better scientific understanding of how the vaccine affects people with immune disorders, cancer and transplant patients taking immunosuppressive drugs, and people suffering from allergies. Several studies are underway, including trials and studies.

“The sum of the population between autoimmunity, transplantation and cancer, [patients]Dr. Benjamin Greenberg, a professor of neurology at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center (Dallas), is leading research in collaboration with various experts on vaccines for immunocompromised patients. There are many people who fall into any of the categories. Therefore, we are not talking about a rare patient population. This is a lot of people. Therefore, it needs research and we give the answer. To get.

The answer is what Sue Foley, 81, wants, waiting for her doctor to approve the vaccine.

Gloves residents wanted a vaccine, but a doctor with her 30 years of experience has her autoimmune disease, myasthenia gravis, which can weaken the muscles needed for exercise and breathing. We opposed the vaccine because we did not have enough data on the safety of the vaccine for people in the world. ..

“My doctor said it was very generous to tell me that it was okay,” she said. “Over time, whether they complete the vaccine or get a new vaccine, I hope the doctor has enough information and he says, “Well, ok, you can move on.” But at this point, he just doesn’t. I’m saying. “

Meanwhile, Texas is reopening after a significant drop in deaths and hospitalizations. 1 in 3 Texas is fully vaccinatedState and local mask obligations have been abolished and governments and businesses are prohibited from demanding vaccinations from their customers.

So, at least for now, people like Patton and Folly can see the long-awaited return to normal life from a distance.

Patton said of the relaxed health restrictions, “We have a great deal of respect for individual rights and freedoms, but it is very scary for people like us.”

Healthcare professionals say vaccines are safe for medically vulnerable people

Despite doubts about its effectiveness in these patients, scientists and healthcare professionals say that most people, including those with a suppressed immune system or those who have been allergic to vaccines in the past. I agree that vaccines are safe for humans.

Of the more than 2 billion doses administered worldwide, the few recipients who reported serious vaccine-related physical reactions or symptoms were not classified into a single medical category for their existing condition, experts. Says.

“We have a great deal of experience with vaccines at once, so we are very pleased with the vaccine safety profile,” says Greenberg. “One of the amazing things about this vaccine campaign is that, literally, so many people in history have never been so intensively monitored and received the vaccine in a short period of time. If that happens, we will hear about them. “

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention alerted these patients early in the introduction of the vaccine. Data were limited for these patients. The CDC and other health authorities have advised you to check with your doctor or advise your vaccination provider about your condition before vaccination.

The warning touched horror, and in some cases caused a viral misinformation about the safety of the vaccine for some people who were not completely healthy, and hesitated that it became difficult to resist as new information came to light. Said Mr Greenberg.

Safety data for these patients are much more robust, as more than 150 million Americans receive at least one dose, including a statistically significant number of patients with autoimmune disease. He said.

“The word has evolved to say that people with autoimmune disease take the vaccine well without adverse events and are recommended for individuals with autoimmune disease,” Greenberg said.

If he hasn’t talked about vaccine safety for a while, he asks the patient to “reunite” with the doctor and check with advocacy groups and researchers who specialize in the conditions to ensure vaccine safety. I advise. Shot.

In the case of Foery, it could be the Myasthenia Gravity Foundation, and in late May the medical team posted, “We continue to recommend that all MG patients be vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccine as soon as possible.” did. For those who are being treated to suppress the immune system, there are still problems.

“Therefore, MG patients continue to be encouraged to follow the CDC guidance for unvaccinated people,” the group posted.

Allergic patients are another group exposed to fear and false alarms due to lack of initial data, but allergy experts and researchers are safe to vaccinate regardless of the type of allergy. I say it should be.

“We couldn’t find out why someone couldn’t get the vaccine because of allergies to the components of the vaccine or something else,” said Dr. David Khan, an allergist and immunologist and professor in Dallas. Internal Medicine at UT Southwestern Medical Center. “Allergic reactions to this are very rare. It’s not common from the beginning. We really feel it’s worth the vaccination.”

Kahn, in collaboration with the National Institutes of Health, is leading a study of COVID-19 vaccinated individuals with severe allergies to anything other than vaccine components, and doctors already believe in the safety of the vaccine. He said he was hesitant among allergic patients who wanted to prove that further and dispel it.

Anaphylaxis is a reaction that can occur with all types of allergies, including influenza vaccinations and food allergies, and can be treated quickly and easily with epinephrine.

And they are much easier to treat than COVID-19, he added.

They are also much rarer.Anaphylaxis cases occur in between 2 and 5 per million According to the CDC, US COVID-19 vaccinated people.

“You are more likely to have a car accident while driving to get the vaccine,” Khan said.

Evidence of reduced effectiveness

The overall purpose behind the promotion of vaccination of the majority of the population is to stop the spread of the virus, mitigate its effects, and have immunity to the disease, just in the definition of “herd immunity”. Is to protect those who are not. According to experts, 70% to 90% of the population must have immunity to obtain herd immunity.

on the other hand, Recent polls As many as 30% of Americans say they can’t aim. Two-thirds of the group think they don’t need the vaccine, and more than half say they don’t usually take the vaccine.

Hesitation Is listed as a major and increasing barrier to reaching herd immunity against COVID-19.

“Coronaviruses need people who hesitate to vaccinate, and those who oppose the vaccine like fire need wood. The only way for it to survive is for its population-sensitive host to roam. That’s what makes it possible, “said Greenberg.” And for my patients who are willing to receive the vaccine but not benefit from it, they need to step up to others. there is.”

Is Latest research Vaccines are safe for people with autoimmune diseases, but have been shown to vary in effectiveness. Drugs commonly taken by patients with multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis. Studies have shown that some drugs, such as, in some cases, not only increase the severity of COVID-19 infections, but also appear to reduce the effectiveness of the vaccine.

Jennifer Robinger, 50, a trophy club resident, was vaccinated against the new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) twice, but waited until the end of this month for an antibody test. I feel safe. She says she is likely to stay socially distant from masking, at least until the virus is completely eradicated.

She said she suffers from five different conditions, including lupus, and needs to suppress the immune system or take medications that work for it.

“The whole family says,’Mom, you’re vaccinated, but I don’t think we should go anywhere yet,'” Robinger said. “That’s our big concern. I’m vaccinated, is it working?”

Disclosure: UT Southwestern Medical Center is a financial supporter of the Texas Tribune, a non-profit, bipartisan news agency, partially funded by donations from members, foundations and corporate sponsors. In Tribune journalism, financial supporters play no role.Find complete Click here for a list of them..

Texas Tribune Is a bipartisan, non-profit media organization that informs and engages the Texans on public policy, political, government, and state-wide issues.

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