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Better access to new HepC treatments


Petalinjaya: The Ministry of Health wants to make hepatitis C (HCV) treatment available nationwide, including clinics and primary care facilities, as part of a move to decentralize treatment from tertiary care.

Health director Tan Sri Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah said this meant that his doctor could diagnose the disease and prescribe medication.

“We have more than 3,000 clinics throughout Malaysia, from Perlis to Tawau. This is an important integration to enable community-available treatment and diagnosis using public health measures. It’s a strategy.

“In the long run, we expect cost savings to prevent liver cancer and liver failure,” he said at a press conference yesterday on the cooperation that led to the development of the drug Lavidasvir.

The Civil Aviation Authority of Malaysia (DCA) granted conditional registration of the drug on June 4, and Malaysia is the first country in the world to approve its use.

The drug was developed through a public-private partnership that brought together the Ministry, the Drug Initiative for Ignored Diseases (DNDi), the Egyptian pharmaceutical companies Pharmaco, Pharmamaniaga, and Doctors Without Borders.

The results presented at The Lancet in April showed that the combination of ravidasvir and sofosbuvir had a cure rate of 97% and was well tolerated in a diverse adult population of chronic HCV infections.

Dr. Noor Hisham said the drug is expected to be available by the end of this year and will cost about RM420 throughout the course of treatment.

An estimated 400,000 people in Malaysia are infected with HCV, but they are unaware that they are infected because they are asymptomatic until complications occur.

Datuk Dr Radzi Abu Hassan, National Head of Gastroenterology and Liver Medicine, said the new drug will improve access to HCV treatment.

“Liver failure is a very serious complication. Most patients will succumb to the disease.

“Even in the case of renal failure, there is an option to replace the function of the kidneys.

“In the case of liver failure, there is no option. There is no alternative therapy or machine to replace that function,” he said.

Dr. Bernard Pécoul, Executive Director of DNDi, said the development of new medicines is the result of a partnership between public and private institutions that share the same public health goals from the beginning, which is the development of affordable medicines.

“This is a concrete example of how R & D can achieve innovation driven by public health needs, not market obligations,” he said.

Hepatitis C is a type of inflammatory disease of the liver that can lead to cirrhosis and liver cancer caused by the hepatitis C virus.

It is transmitted primarily through the blood, and nearly 60% of Malaysian cases are associated with previous drug use via shared needles.


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